Ditch bananas and barrels, here’s the real ape-ocalypse! A deleted scene from War for the Planet of the Apes has resurfaced, and it’s leaving fans more shaken than Caesar after a bad hair day. We’re talking about major character heartbreak, folks! Remember that guy you kinda liked who got, well, let’s just say, a not-so-happy ending? 

Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes
A scene from War For The Planet Of The Apes | 20th Century Fox

As it turns out, the filmmakers almost delivered a gut punch that would have left audiences needing a serious hug from Rocket. But wait, there’s a twist! This deleted scene snuck into the official canon later on. Buckle up, because we’re about to peel back the layers on a discarded scene that’s both tragic and weirdly bananas.

Malcolm’s Lost Plea: A deleted scene fills the gaps in War for the Planet of the Apes

Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes
Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes | 20th Century Fox

Just imagine a crucial film sequence getting cut, only to resurface as the official story later. Now, that’s precisely what transpired in “War for the Planet of the Apes.” A deleted scene in which Malcolm (a human from the first movie) tries to talk sense into the cold-blooded Colonel’s head was unearthed by the novelization. He praises Caesar as a leader and not just an animal, as he begs for harmony with the apes. The Colonel, however, abruptly fires him and puts an end to Malcolm’s tale with a bullet.

Despite being a brief encounter, this deleted clip gives the movie a more tragic undertone. Malcolm makes a valiant attempt at peace, which strengthens the case for the final conflict. Although the reunion of characters from different movies may seem a bit arbitrary to some, it illuminates the Colonel’s perspective. Obsessed with revenge, the Colonel appears to know of Caesar’s existence, labeling him as an “exceptional beast” based on the words of another.

Even though Caesar had previously taken more than a few lethal punches, adding this very brief explanation to the film would have at least resolved one irritating loose end from the franchise while also emphasizing the Colonel’s savagery. Ball doesn’t just have a couple of deleted scenes. He’s got a whopping 30 to 40 minutes of cut material. During a chat ahead of the film’s release, Matt Reeves revealed:

There’s also probably about 30 or 40 minutes of deleted scenes that [aren’t] in the movie. It was too much of a movie. [Laughs] Some of it was a shame to cut, some of it would have never worked, but all of it was great to kind of give context to the story and characters. It’s just stuff that fell away as is the endless kind of desire to make it as tight as it could possibly be. But a lot of that stuff will be on the DVD and stuff.

The deleted sequence had people wearing motion-capture suits, which may have created an odd visual effect, but Andy Serkis’ unpolished portrayal of Caesar in the scene highlights the emotional significance of this time lost. It serves as a reminder that significant plot points can sometimes be found on the cutting room floor. Even though this scene was discarded from the film, it was later made canon, illustrating how overlooked details may have the best connection to the plot. 

Box office triumph, bittersweet victory: The film’s legacy continues 

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes | 20th Century Studios/YouTube

War for the Planet of the Apes grossed $146.9 million in the United States and Canada and $343.8 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $490.7 million, against a production budget of $150–190 million. Despite the BO success of the film, which grossed nearly $500 million worldwide, the movie paints a bittersweet picture, continuing Caesar’s legacy for years to come. 

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