Just the name MrBeast evokes images of high stakes challenges and giveaways of the best products. The American YouTuber renowned for his extravagant YouTube videos and philanthropy. Since 2012, his videos have gone viral beyond measure, mostly because they involve large cash giveaways, expensive challenges, and large-scale charitable acts.

His content not only entertains but also aims to make significant impacts, such as planting 20 million trees through his #TeamTrees initiative and launching a food bank called Beast Philanthropy. MrBeast’s innovative approach to content creation and his dedication to social causes has made him a very influential person in the industry.

MrBeast Issues New Challenge to promote Unity

MrBeast in Ages 1 - 100 Decide Who Wins $250,000
A still from MrBeast’s Latest Video

MrBeast made a sequel to one of his videos titled Ages 1 – 100 Fight for $500,000, called Ages 1 – 100 Decide Who Wins $250,000. The goal in the new video was for the participants to unanimously decide who gets to take home the $250,000. Participants would continue to get eliminated through various challenges until all remaining participants could decide the winner. He takes great pride in his quirky and extravagant content style which can be seen through his dedication in the video.

Read More: 46 Million Views in 1 Day: Does MrBeast have the most viewed Video on YouTube?

After 1 day of the challenge, many participants had been eliminated, leaving only 38 out of 100. Even then, the participants just could not vote for the same person. Now, disaster struck, and the hearts and loyalties of the participants were tested. The group of participants in their 40s was holding strong.

Number 42 and 43 in MrBeast Video
A still from MrBeast’s Latest Video

They were dedicated, firm and loyal to each other. MrBeast introduced another challenge where a wheel was spun and whoever it landed on was to decide whether or not the next person gets eliminated. While most people chose with their hearts, the 40s were logical and chose everyone but themselves to get eliminated.

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Ruthless Rejection of an 11-year-old Girl’s Request

Number 11 crying in MrBeast Video
A still from MrBeast’s Latest Video

Part of these eliminations was an 11-year-old girl, Gio. Upon realizing she was going to be eliminated, she started crying making it a very emotional and sad moment for all the participants. She was allowed to convince contestant 43 to not eliminate her when she said,

“You are a kind person and you are kind enough to not eliminate me.”

This was one of the most intense moments of the video. Most people would melt and decide not to eliminate the girl. Many other participants even chanted, “Save Gio!” Making it a very difficult choice for 43. Number 42 then said,

“Don’t do it. Now is not the time to develop a heart, okay?”

This moment cleared all the doubts in 43’s mind. She realized if she wanted to win the $250,000, she had to be ruthless. Social media is in a state of frenzy as people are divided in their opinions. Some deem it’s human behavior to choose money or everything while others have crowned 42 as a supervillain for making a young girl cry.

After delivering a final message to Gio, keeping her inspired, she eliminated the crying little girl, making her group proud and happy. Further, this impacted the popularity of 42 and 43, making them stand against the rest of the participants and probably the viewers.

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