The ‘Merc with a Mouth’ Superhero has managed to apart himself from other cinematic heroes. Here are the 10 things that make Deadpool different from other Superheroes.



With heroic acts of violence and savage quips, the ‘Merc with a Mouth’ is ready to invade our homes with Deadpool 2. While the 2016 sequel has become the highest-grossing R-rated film, the presales of Deadpool 2 are crossing significant thresholds in movie-making history.

Created by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld, Deadpool debuted in 1991. The popularity of this uncommon superhero hit its peak when Ryan Reynolds released Deadpool in 2016. Since the ‘Merc with a Mouth’ never plays by the rules of the conventional standards, Deadpool managed to leap off all the heroes that preceded him.

Here are the 10 things that make Deadpool different from other Superheroes


Speak Multiple Languages

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Apart from being a superhero with good looks, Deadpool is a multi-talented genius as well. He speaks multiple languages. Alongside his pop culture English language, Deadpool also used ‘American Sign Language’ when he teamed up with Hawkeye.


Eat As Much As He Wants

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Deadpool has meteoric superstardom. And beyond everything, he is fond of food since the beginning. Deadpool is capable of eating an amount of food that can even ruin his heroic body shape.


Smell Extremely Bad

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Deadpool is exposed to various techniques, experiments, and medication programs during the ‘Weapon X Program’. As a result, it is assumed that Deadpool’s skin smells so bad that it could knock down the villain alone with its ‘scent’.


Produce An Army Of Deadpools

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Fitting like jigsaw puzzles, Evil Deadpool joined forces with Corps to erase all the Deadpool variants from the MCU Multiverse.


Self-Promote His Own Movies

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With a perfect amount of wit and sass, Deadpool carries the marketing game pretty well. When Deadpool was about to get released in 2016, large billboards showed up all around the world. These billboards reflected that the movie could be somewhat romantic, but in real, it went the complete opposite.


Hang Out With A-List Celebrities

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Deadpool recently crashed in a hotel room where Logan star Hugh Jackman was shooting a happy birthday message for a fan. The video showed up, and Wilson was seen nagging Jackman while singing “Tomorrow” from Annie.


Break Box Office Records

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Despite heavy skepticism, Fox granted around $58 million to Deadpool and allowed it to get a theatrical release on Valentine’s Week of 2016. Sooner or later, the venture managed to earn somewhere around $783 million in the box office, and Deadpool become everyone’s ‘all-time favorite’.


Rip Off Other Superhero’s Powers

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Don’t let Ryan Reynolds fool you. After all, he has stolen his entire look from DC’s Deathstroke. Deadpool is one of the great creations of the comic publisher because he had many mash-ups with other Marvel superheroes as well.


Perceive And Understand Our Reality

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Intrigued by its own insanity, Deadpool is self-aware about his character, and that is what makes him the most ‘lethal’ Marvel superhero. He understands the reality and also knows that Deadpool is the star of its own story.


Predict And Alter His Own Future

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Since Deadpool is capable of omnipotence, he refers to himself as the ‘creator of everything’. He even can recognize his existence within a comic book. Thus, he manages to go towards destructing and wiping out everyone within the marvel cannon. It gives him an incredible power.

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