Movies and Tv series are packed with some amazing moments; some make you laugh, some make you sob, some make you want a hug. But sometimes, there are some scenes which were supposed to be funny but that just made them really sad.

Here are some of those scenes which would make you rethink them all.

1. When Kevin spilled his famous Chili in The Office

The Office

Kevin had worked so hard to make his chili and he was so proud of the recipe and even explained the amount of effort that went into it and just for it to fall and spill. He looked so heartbroken when it was ruined.

2. When Gina mocked or insulted Amy for being into “boring” stuff she was so passionate about in Brooklyn Nine-Nine!

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Amy looked so hurt every time Gina insulted her.

3. When Sandra’s cat’s sickness and death were treated as a joke in Superstore


Like how could they be so insensitive about someone’s pet?

4.  When Thor gained all the weight after killing Thanos in Avengers: Endgame and it was treated as some hilarious joke


Thor and Loki didn’t really have a “brotherly” relationship and just when they were starting to get along, Loki was killed by Thanos. After that, Thanos snapped half the universe. The heroes did hold themselves responsible for all of it. It was quite a realistic and relatable depiction of depression and they just made fun out of it and many people found that funny…

5.  The time when Happy unwittingly sent his grandmother to the retirement home/ quilting sweatshop in Happy Gilmore

Happy Gilmore

The way they treated his grandma there was really bad and that few people didn’t want to watch it after that.

6. That time when Phoebe would talk about her past struggles and traumas and the audience would constantly laugh in Friends

TV Series


7. That time when the adults would make fun of and insult Kimmy aka a child in Full House

Full House

8. That time when Aunt Viv was pregnant in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Ashley was worried the new baby would make everyone forget about her and then they actually forgot about her when they went out to dinner.

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Yes it was meant to be a joke, but come on, everyone could feel that soul-crushing feeling of abandonment.

9.  When Moss acted out the goodbye Roy never got from his ex-girlfriend during a game of D&D in The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd

Chris O’Dowd’s acting was so amazing that it really sold the heartbreak to the audiences.

10. When Beck and Jade had a massive fight in the closet, it caused Cat to have an anxiety attack and even faint in Victorious


If you watch that video without the laugh track, it is actually so sad.

11. All the times Dorothy and Blanche acted totally disinterested in Rose’s stories about St. Olaf in The Golden Girls

The Golden Girls

We all agree she was eccentric but she just wanted to tell her friends about the place that made her who she is.

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