The superhero genre has given us some truly unforgettable performances. A few of those role have become such an integral part of our lives we can’t think of any actor who could have done it better.

Wesley Snipes – Blade

How Wesley Snipes Feels About The Mahershala Ali Blade Casting - CINEMABLEND

There have been many fans vocal on the internet that they would never let Marvel replace Wesley Snipes with Mahershala Ali in the new Blade project. The reason is simple – the sheer ferocity and madness Snipes displayed as the character is hard to replicate.

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Stan started out as an ordinary human ally of Captain America. He grew to become a force to be reckoned with as the Winter Soldier. More and more viewers are flocking into Sebastian Stan’s fan base. Most never even knew Winter Soldier existed as a character. It was Stan that immortalized the super soldier and brought him to the masses.

Dafne Keen – Laura Kinney/X-23


Dafne Keen is the youngest entry on this list. First making an appearance in Logan, the young actor portrays X-23, a genetic clone of Wolverine minus the flaws of the original. Dafne Keen was so perfect Fox was entertaining plans for a spin-off X-23 movie before the Disney-Fox merger happened.

Ryan Reynolds – Deadpool

After a long time, Reynolds got to star in a superhero movie that did not make his super suit green or animated. His legendary comic timing and sarcastic tone makes Reynolds an absolute home run of a casting as Deadpool.

Lynda Carter – Wonder Woman


Gal Gadot? Hell no!! The greatest Wonder Woman who ever lived was, is, and always will be Lynda Carter. If you aren’t living under a rock, the first face that comes to your mind when you hear Princess of Themiscyra is Lynda Carter, the OG Wonder Woman.

Tom Hardy – Bane

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That coarse voice behind the mask and that extremely chiseled, hunky physique makes Tom Hardy the greatest choice to play Bane. It’s him we are reminded of anytime we hear the character’s name.

Hugh Jackman – Wolverine

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine

Jackman has the record of playing a character the most number of instances in movie history. Fox would return back to Jackman playing Wolverine so many times because the audience loved him. We all loved him.

Henry Cavill – Superman

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Get this through your head DC Extended Universe, no matter which actor you hire to play Superman next, you can never replace Henry Cavill.

Robert Downey Junior – Tony Stark

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The man, The Myth. The Legend. In 2008, Marvel Studios hired a rather not so famous actor to play the role of the armored avenger. The rest, ladies and gentlemen, is history.

Chadwick Boseman – Black Panther

chadwick boseman black panther

Black Panther proved one thing – Chadwick Boseman is a King both in reel and real life. No matter who takes over the mantle next, for us Boseman will be the Chosen One, now and forever.

Joaquin Phoenix – Joker


Todd Phillips’ Joker was an unusual, more human take on the origin story of the Clown Prince of Crime. Joaquin Phoenix portrayed a man broken by society and the system. This Joker will not pull a sea bass out of his pants. But he can still decimate a city with one speech.

Josh Brolin – Thanos

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Reality is often disappointing. Not for Josh Brolin though. He just likes to ace all his comic book roles, no matter which universe he is in. His tenure as the Mad Titan is memorable.

Patrick Stewart – Professor X

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The world would have never seen the advent of superhero movies if not for the success of Fox’s X-Men. And the one leading the charge for the mutant superhero team was Professor X, played by the legendary actor Patrick Stewart.

Samuel L Jackson – Nick fury

samuel l jackson nick fury

Marvel was so impressed with Samuel L Jackson that they even agreed to make Nick Fury in his image in the comic books if the actor agreed to play the character on screen in the MCU.

Heath Ledger – Joker

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The greatest Joker actor that ever lived was Heath ledger. Hell he is probably the greatest superhero movie actor who ever lived. Ledger was so dedicated to nailing the act of the Joker that legend says he himself went a tad bit insane with the trauma. Joaquin Phoenix was good but Ledger did it way better.

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