18 Hulk Details Noticed By Fans
Bruce Banner/Hulk is a crucial part of the MCU since the beginning. Over the years, we have seen the character develop immensely. By the time Avengers: Endgame came, Banner and Hulk came to peace with each other where they decided to live in Hulk’s body but use Banner’s mind. But now, fans have noticed some amazing details about the green giant. So here’s a lit of 18 details that fans have noticed throughout his appearances in all the MCU films. Check it out!
1. User 3bstfrds/Reddit: Hulk’s Loneliness
2. User Hellstadius/Reddit – Much Kinder Than Hulk In ‘Ragnarok’
3. MarvelousMan3003/Reddit – Hulk’s Duty
4. User fckingblackmale/Reddit –
5. User Alexander_Helios/Reddit – Smart Hulk vs. Black Order
6. User davidmattise7 / Reddit – Hulk’s Redemption Arc
7. User sirvante70/Reddit – Tony Stark’s Stretch Pants
8. User Pliskin47x/Reddit – Second & Last Human On Asgard
9. User Zepana66/Reddit – The Incredible Hulk (2008) Is MCU Canon
10. User irfankamil/Reddit – Rocket Messes With Iron Man & Smart Hulk
11. User _batata_vada/Reddit – The Avengers Never Really Listened
12. User Tityfan808/Reddit – Deserves More Action & Screentime
13. User striketerror/Reddit – It’s Only Been Two Weeks
14. User anilsoi11/Reddit – Hulk Wouldn’t Be Hulk Without Wardrobe Malfunctions
15. User princessbookworm/Tumblr – Hulk Stands Out In The Avengers Team
16. User XxL3THALxX/Reddit – The Reason Hulk Didn’t Want To Fight
17. User Leooel9/Reddit – Hulk Has Chest Hair And Marvel’s Great At CGI
18. User queer-dancing-fandom-nerd/Tumblr – Honest Mistake Or is It Just Hulk-Thor Duo?
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