5 Characters We Badly Want To See Added To The DCEU Justice League
As the DCEU has really just begun, they do not have the original seven members of the Justice League yet. There are still many years for the DCEU to expand and for new members to be introduced.

The DC Extended Universe only just united The Justice league for the first time in 2017 with the Justice League directed by Joss Whedon and Jack Snyder. Therefore, the franchise will have time to expand their characters, for new heroes to join and for older heroes to leave the team. Regardless fans are optimistic that they will see their favorite characters grace the screen eventually. Hopefully, it is only a matter of time before fan favorites get added to the justice league lineup. Here is a list of 5 characters we badly want to see added to the DCEU Justice League:
1. Green Lantern:

It is becoming apparent that Snyders cut of The Justice League scheduled to release in 2021 will include several new characters that did not make the final cut of Josh Whedon’s justice league released in 2017. It is speculated that one of the characters, maybe Green Lantern, and fans are hopeful. Hal Jordan or Green Lantern is one of the Justice League’s founding members, one of the original seven. In the original Justice League marketing, the phrase “unite the seven” was used, which further indicates that Hal Jordan may soon be joining the team.
2. Martian Manhunter:
Like the green lantern, Martian Manhunter was also meant to appear in 2017 but didn’t end up making the final cut. However, it seems more likely that he may make his appearance in Snyders cut in 2021. Jack recently teased the fans with a picture of what Martian Manhunter may look like. Fans took this as a hint that the character may be appearing soon. He is also one of the founding 7 members of the Justice League.
3. Green Arrow:

From October 2012 to January of 2020, The Tv series Arrow aired on CW, starring Stephen Amell as the Green Arrow. He has been a member of the justice league for as long as the original 7 and joined in 1961. The producers will likely cast another actor for the role of Green Arrow as they did in the case of Flash However, he will inevitably join the Justice League soon. The only question is, who will they cast for the role?
4. Zatanna
Zatanna has appeared as a member of the Justice League many times before. She is a part stage and part real magician and is a fun character to introduce. Serinda Swan played Zatanna on Smallville as a recurring character for the last 3 seasons. Fans hope that this is one step in bringing Zatana into the DCEU, Justice League lineup.
5. Blue Beetle:

For years now, there have been talks of bringing Blue Beetle to DC and Warner Brothers. Though there haven’t been any noticeable developments, audiences know that the movie will focus on the third legacy character to take over the title of Blue Beetle, Jaime Reyes. He is a fan favorite, and the fact that they are inching closer to bringing him on the silver screen makes fans hopeful that he will soon be added to the Justice League.
What do you guys think? Do you agree with this list? Comment down below to let us know more.