5 Things Only Eagle-Eyed Fans Noticed In The Office
The Office is hands down one of the best sitcoms ever! Yes, a coin has two sides. Anything that has advantages will have disadvantages too. The same is the case with The Office. It has both, good and bad things about it that the fans noticed. But, it still rules our hearts. The show is relatable as anything, and the makers have made sure to keep the continuity element in mind. There are a few things in the show that you can notice only after re-watching it a few times. So, here’s a list of things only eagle-eyed fans noticed in The Office. Check it out!
1. The Sitcom Didn’t Forget Its Roots

If you don’t know, here’s a small bit of information for you. The Office isn’t an original idea. It’s a remake of a UK show by the same name that ran from 2001-2003. The UK show focused on a fictional paper company named Wernham Hogg in the British town of Slough. Even if it’s a remake, the makers didn’t forget about its roots. In the American show’s Season 5’s episode “Blood Drive”, Michael Scott throws a small valentines’ day party. When he was showing the poster he created for the party, it is then that we can see the address of the paper company that was in the UK show. The address “1725 Slough Ave” is a nod to the location of the original Wernham Hogg paper company. This was not it, the street was mentioned again in one of the episodes in Season 6.
2. The Great Scott!

Michael Scott is known as the boss in The Office. He is best known for his colorful interests ranging from ice skating to performing weird magical tricks. However, he also loves working in the kitchen. In many scenes, we can see him cooking for himself and enjoying it. But one thing that not many of you must’ve noticed is, that he made a salad dressing for himself. Not just this, he named it “Great Scott”. Oh, and also, he was creative enough to have his picture on the label of the jar.
3. The World’s Best Boss EVER!

Michael Scott self-proclaimed himself as the best boss. He even bought himself a mug that said “World’s Best Boss” from Spencer’s Gifts. Of course, it must be a prized possession for him. However, Scott wasn’t the only best boss in the company. In the next season, we are introduced to CFO David Wallace, who like Scott, thinks high of himself. We can a similar mug that says “World’s Best Boss”, but in a different color. So, who is the world’s best boss in your opinion? Well, we know the answer!
4. The Humble Gift: Teapot

Pam and Jim’s relationship has a great timeline. They’ve seen ups and downs, and have shared great moments too! One of them is the teapot episode. Remember how Pam made the right move by exchanging the expensive iPod gift with Jim’s teapot gift? This is not the last time we see this gift. We can see it again in Season 4’s “Branch Wars” episode. It’s sweet how the makers remembered to include such a thing from the second season!
5. The Hilariously Small Plasma Screen Makes A Comeback Twice

Michael can be seen obsessing over his possessions, be it anything. One such thing that he loved was his small plasma screen. Remember how enthusiastically he was showing off his TV in Season 4 episode “Dinner Party”? However, later Jan threw a Dundee at it and the screen cracked. Let’s not forget how infuriated Michael was. However, this isn’t the last time we see that small cracked plasma screen. It makes a comeback twice in Season 5 episode “Dream Team” and Season 7 “Garage Sale”. Well, it is pretty clear how obsessed Michael is with his possessions that he wouldn’t let go of a broken TV!