Movies are great, but movies with a good twisted ending are better. All us of love if the film has good twist endings and especially if they are full of surprises and shocks. And many times, they make the movie fans want to rewatch the film.

Of course, nowadays it’s pretty hard for a film to go unspoiled (thanks to the internet). Yet, when the movies with some great twist endings are made well, they go on to be fan favorites for years to come. Here are some movies that are popular for their endings!

1. Primal Fear – 1996

Primal Fear

Primal Fear was nominated for Oscar and was Edward Norton’s debut film in which he played the role of a young man who was accused of the brutal murder of a priest. Richard Gere played his lawyer who tried to help the young man who has multiple personality disorder as per the film.

The movie was brilliant and Edward Norton stole the show and it had some amazing courtroom drama as well. But despite all these things, the film still couldn’t get the attention of the viewers. However, many people already knew that Norton was the cold-blooded killer and he had faked his disorder.

2. The Village – 2004

The Village

M. Night Shyamalan has gained quite a reputation for himself which is having huge twists at the end of the films. But his film The Village is well known but that is because people found it quite silly.

The entire film takes place in a small and isolated town that is living in the far of unknown monsters from the woods nearby. Someone from the community gets badly injured and a blind girl decides to step into the woods in order to find help from the “beyond.” But then it was revealed that the film took place in modern times and the community is actually a cult that decided to close off from the world which used the “monsters” to keep their people protected.

3. Arlington Road – 1999

Arlington Road

Arlington Road is another amazing thriller film that was ignored by the viewers. Even though the film had a shocking end and was the talk of the town, but it failed to gain the spotlight despite all this. The ending was so popular that everyone knew about it.

The movie had Jeff Bridges as the lead who played Michael Faraday, a man who thinks that his neighbors could be a part of the extremist group. Towards the end of the film, he is convinced that they have planted a bomb in the FBI headquarters where he works. When he reaches there to stop the attack, he notices that he was used to bringing the bomb there.

4. Psycho – 1960


This Alfred Hitchcock film is such a masterpiece thriller that the ending big twist which has lived on for years. Killing the “apparent” lead of the film is murdered halfway was such a major shock to everyone that such a twist would no longer surprise the audience.

The movie still had a jaw-dropping twist. It was implied that Norman’s mother is the murderer, but it was then revealed that she is long – dead and Norman had been dressing as her to kill.

5. Fight Club – 1999

Fight Club

Fight Club was a superhit film even at the box office when it was released in 1999. It now has a cult classic fan following, but yet there are many people who just have vague knowledge about what the movie is. But everyone still knows the secret of Tyler Durden.

Brad Pitt successfully portrayed a character that can never be forgotten, he is a complete mystery, until the film revealed that Tyler didn’t exist but was a formation of the unnamed narrator played by Edward Norton.

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