One thing we wish that could be true from Potter world would be the spells! The spells would definitely make out life so much easier with all that magic and the ability to use “Accio” without ever manually reaching out for an object.

Both movie and book fans know about the three “Unforgivable Curses” which are the worst of all, but there are other equally deadly spells as well! Here are some of them!

1. Obliviate

Harry Potter

We have seen characters using this charm many times. This is one of the dangerous spells to cast since it affects the memory of the person. And we did see it being a disaster in the second book (and installment film) when Gilderoy Lockhart tried to wipe off Harry and Ron’s memories.

But luckily for our heroes, Ron’s wand was damaged and he ended up wiping off his own memory. And book readers are aware that he ended up in St. Mungo’s to recover. This proved that this spell could get dangerous too.

2. Fiendfyre

Harry Potter

Just to remind you, Fiendfyre is one of the very few things and spells that could destroy a Horcrux. It is a cursed fire that consumes anything and everything in its vicinity.

In the books, Crabbe stupidly cast this spell in Room of Requirement and died in the same. But in the movie, it was Goyle who casts it and dies.

3. Sectumsempra

Harry Potter

One of the really stupid things Harry did was casting this deadly spell on Draco. He learns this spell from the Potions book which was edited by the Half-Blood Prince. Harry had no idea what would be the consequences of using this spell and used it amidst a conflict with Draco.

The spell further sliced his body open and caused a lot of blood flow on the floor. Had Snape not come and looked into it, Draco could have died on the spot.

4. Confringo

Harry Potter

Confringo is one of the dangerous spells that is considered dark magic. The spell was used by Harry as well as Hermione in Deathly Hallows. Harry cast the spell while he was flying in Hagrid’s motorbike and the duo was attacked by Death Eaters.

The spell separated his sidecar from Hagrid and was able to free himself. On the other hand, Hermione used it in Godric’s Hollow when she wanted to get out of Bathilda Bagshot’s house along with Harry.

5. Expulso

Harry Potter

This spell is pretty self-explanatory! It’s an explosive curse that will blast things apart. And it also throws people into the walls.

We haven’t seen it much in the series, but a notable time was when a Death Eater uses it on the table the golden trio was sitting at the wedding in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

6.  Full Body-Bind

Harry Potter

We knew that Hermione Granger was one of the brightest witches when we saw her master a dark spell (the full body-bind) in her very first year! The spell basically paralyzes the victim. They are unable to move and their arms and legs are sort of locked together.

We are sorry for Neville Longbottom who had to be on the receiving hand of the spell. He had put on a brave face to stop his classmates from wandering in the dark and losing more points for the House. It looked funny on the screen but we are sure it traumatized him for a long time (even though she did apologize).

7. Legilimens

Harry Potter

This spell is used when someone wants to look into someone’s mind and know about their memories and emotions. If skilled enough, Legiliments can also imprint their own memories in someone’s head.

We didn’t see anyone else apart from Snape and Harry using this spell. Dumbledore did use it on Kreacher in The Order of the Phoenix.

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