Will Smith and Chris Rock’s Oscar slap incident left everyone shocked. The actor’s reaction to Chris Rock’s joke about his wife was highly criticised, and he was banned from the Oscars for a decade. The incident also had a negative impact on Will’s career, and since then, the actor has been losing a lot of money.

Will Smith’s refusal to address the Oscar incident has left his career in jeopardy

Actor Will Smith slapped comedian Chris Rock at the Oscars
Actor Will Smith slapped comedian Chris Rock at the Oscars

Will has been quiet ever since the Oscars and has not addressed the incident in an interview. Even though the public seems to have moved on, Chris is still dealing with the ramifications. Recently, there were reports that the slap had impacted his relationship with his wife, Jada as well and that the two were not on speaking terms and were considering divorce as the option. The actor has put several projects on hold, which is causing losses to him as well as the crew members. These include Netflix’s Fast and Loose, Bright 2 and The Council.

Will Smith expected to do damage control after Oscar slap

Will Smith
Will Smith

The actor’s travelling documentary series with National Geographic, Pole to Pole, has also been paused, hindering his ability to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. Moreover, the ‘Bad Boys 4’ production with Sony and ‘Emancipation’ project with Apple have also been delayed. Will is expected to do some damage control and take responsibility for his actions before he can continue with his acting projects.

I am Legend sequel put on halt due to failing to acknowledge his mistake at the Oscars

A still from I am Legend
A still from I am Legend

Recently, there were reports that Will is planning on producing the sequel to I am Legend, a sci-fi film that centres on Robert Neville, the last known survivor of a plague in New York. However, it seems like that project is also put on a halt for now. With so many projects paused halfway, one wonders what Will plans to do about it. Hopefully, he will realise soon that his reputation is as important in Hollywood as his talent, and will work on making up for the controversial incident in some way or the other soon.

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