A Secret “Star Lord” Cameo in “Captain Marvel?”
Marvel Cinematic Universe(MCU) Interlinking
If you love the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you would be aware that each one of the 22 films from Iron Man ahead is attached in a variety of ways, some enormous and apparent plus some tucked deep to the movies Easter Egg style. Together with Captain Marvel, however, those ties are little more interested since the movie is set in 1995 — before Iron Man assembled his first lawsuit at a cave. Being put previously allows to get a completely different set of twists, possibly you to Guardians of the Galaxy and Star-Lord’s secret cameo in Captain Marvel.

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Captain Marvel:
Back in Captain Marvel, Carol’s memories are sort of a substantial plot point as when we meet her, she understands herself just as the Kree soldier Vers, her whole background aside from the previous six years overlooking. As her memories, there is a moment where we view among Carol and Monica Rambeau seeing a shooting beginning together in Carol’s life on Earth. It is a touching small glance of Carol’s previous and also her powerful bond with Monica in addition to Maria Rambeau, but lovers can not help but wonder whether there is more to it than that.
On Reddit, supporters have pointed out in MCU canon, youthful Peter Quill was shot from Earth from Yondu in 1988 while his mom was dying of cancer. With Captain Marvel happening at 1995and Carol was missing for six decades, the deadline on that shooting celebrity scene adds up fairly flawlessly to Quill’s abduction. Is it the shooting star was the upcoming Star-Lord being whisked to space?
Chris Townsend’s quotes:
Fans are pretty damn convinced it is, however, visual effects manager for Captain Marvel, Chris Townsend would not confirm — nor could he refuse — the concept at a recent interview with Huffington Post if they discussed the concept together with him.
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“I have never heard that around Peter Quill, however, I really like it,” he explained. “I really like the fan side of what we do. I really like the reactions. I really like just how much consideration [goes into everything ]. Evidently, there’s a large quantity of thought that goes to it from everybody on the end making the movies, but there is a wonderful type of reading into things, such as the shooting star.”
“To be truthful, this is my fifth Marvel film,” he added. “Once I went to watch Infinity War, there were still so many things in there, small bits were tied up, which I believed were amazing in ways I have never felt.”

Captain Marvel is currently in theatres. Other forthcoming Marvel Studios movies set for release this season comprise Avengers: Endgame on April 26th and Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 5th.