Adam Sandler is one of America’s most treasured gems. His jokes have brightened many gloomy days. Now joining the club of excellent comic timing are his daughters Sadie and Sunny Sandler.

Sandler’s latest creation, the animated Netflix film Leo, features his entire family in the cast. This family project has been a hit among fans. But the two young Miss Sandlers were quite nonchalant about it. Apparently, meeting Taylor Swift is a way bigger deal than the premiere of your own film.

Actor Adam Sandler
Adam Sandler

Adam Sandler’s Daughters On Being in A Film

Adam Sandler’s works have had a generational impact. It seems his genes are strong as his daughters have proven themselves to be pretty funny as well in Leo. Both the Sandler girls have some minor acting credits in their vitae like Pixels (2015), and more prominent ones like Netflix’s You’re So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah (2023), among others.

a scene from adam sandler's leo
A scene from Adam Sandler’s Leo

Leo marks the actresses’ first time working with both their parents and that too in an animated movie. This is certainly a big step in their acting careers but as revealed by their father Adam Sandler, the girls did not see it this way.

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In an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Sandler spoke candidly of his daughters’ nonchalance around the film. The 57-year-old said: 

“They just move right on. At the premiere, they were pretty unphased. They don’t make it a big deal. They grew up with daddy doing it and stuff.”

The actor further added that this is something he’s rather happy about saying:

 “I’m happy that it’s not everything to them that side of the stuff they are kind of passionate about wanting to be good and acting.”

Incidentally, the girls had more of a reaction while meeting Taylor Swift than at their own movie premiere. Something which is totally understandable and subtly odd at the same time.

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Adam Sandler’s Daughters Have A History with Taylor Swift 

A scene from You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah starring Adam Sandler and his daughters
A scene from You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah starring Adam Sandler and his daughters

Apart from being great actresses in the making, Sadie and Sunny Sandler have a reputation for being big-time Swifties. In 2019, they performed their own rendition of Swift’s song Lover, with changed lyrics for a charity event (via E News).

When meeting the Anti-Hero singer at the Eras Tour Film premiere in Los Angeles, the girls were awestruck. As Sandler revealed in the interview, he sat a row behind Taylor Swift at the premiere along with his daughters and wife. 

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After the film came to an end, Swift rushed to meet the Sandlers and greeted them with hugs. The clips of the interaction naturally made it to various corners of the internet. The excitement in the video is palpable and captures two very starstruck teenagers. Safe to say the Sandler girls got their priorities right.

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