After the merger with the 20th century Fox, Walt Disney marks the beginning of a new era in Hollywood. The 20th century Fox, now simply known as the 20th century studios, made movies for over six decades before Disney bought the legendary movie maker. They have a brand new logo to go with too!


The new logo

The new logo
The new logo for the 20th Century Studios

The new logo was seen at the latest poster of The New Mutants, which will officially be the last movie to be released under the banner that once belonged to the Fox. Another version of the logo was seen which clearly indicated that the 20th Century Studios is still the same as the 20th Century Fox, though there are changes behind the scene as well as in the logo. Rumors flying around also say that, the previous X-Men franchise is all set to go under a reboot by making an entry in the pre-existing Marvel Cinematic Universe.


What does the Disney-man have to say?

What does the Disney-man have to say?
Iger explains that the brand was not performing well

Disney Chairman Bob Iger made it evident before the merger that, the brand was not performing up to the mark and also that they needed a push.

“It wasn’t a slap-down,” Iger explained. “It was an admission that the movies that they had made failed. And I actually gave then a tremendous amount of cover by saying that when companies are bought, processes and decision making can come to a halt.”


What should the fans expect from the merger?

What should the fans expect from the merger?
The mouse swallows a part of the fox

There are a lot of movies to be released by the 20th Century Studios this year. Some of the major releases include Call of the Wild with Harrison Ford and the much awaited X-Men spinoff The New Mutants, which will be hitting the theaters on April 3rd.



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Sources: ComicBook, NPR ,RepublicWorld

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