British actor Daisy Ridley has already fixed a spot in the category of promising actors in Hollywood. She rose to fame with the character of Rey Skywalker in the 2015 release Star Wars: The Force Awakens. She has been a part of multiple projects like Murder On The Orient Express, Ophella, and Chaos Walking. 

Daisy Ridley
Daisy Ridley as Rey

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Daisy Ridley will be seen in the upcoming Star Wars project directed by Pakistani-born Canadian filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy. Reportedly, the actor would be paid around $12.5 million for her upcoming Star Wars project.

Daisy Ridley Would Be Making Around $12.5 Million With Her Upcoming Star Wars Project

Daisy Ridley is making headlines with respect to her upcoming Star Wars project and the whopping pay associated with it. According to the media outlet Style Caster, Daisy Ridley made between $100,000 to $30,000 for her breakthrough role in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. As reported by the media outlet Variety, the young actors under the banner of Lucasfilm can negotiate their pay structure for the upcoming installments.

Daisy Ridley's Rey is a Skywalker
Daisy Ridley’s Rey is a Skywalker

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After being paid relatively low in the previous installments, reportedly Disney Ridley would be making a staggering amount of $12.5 million from the upcoming Star Wars installment. It’s a handsome amount for a newcomer with respect to the Star Wars legacy in Hollywood. One of the oldest members of the intergalactic franchise, Harrison Ford is the highest-paid actor under the Lucasfilm banner.

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The Indiana Jones actor was followed by Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamil, and Oscar Issac with respect to their respective pay structures.

Daisy Ridley Talks About The Character Development Of Rey Skywalker

During an interview with the media outlet GQ in 2019, Daisy Ridley spoke about the character of Rey. The actor became,e a household name after playing the character of one of the most fierce and powerful skywalkers in the Star Wars franchise. She said-

“There is an interesting conversation that’s happening with this use of ‘strong’. It’s not because Rey is strong that she’s amazing. It’s all the complexities of a human. It’s because she is a well-drawn person who is struggling with things and you’re with her.”

Daisy Ridley
Daisy Ridley

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While talking about the filmmaker J.J. Abrams, the actor said-

“Understand the scale. This is not a role in a movie. This is a religion for people. It changes things on a level that is inconceivable.”

The English actor even mentioned her obsession with Harry Potter as a child she used to be more excited about books and movies from the fantasy drama franchise. She understood the craze of Star Wars after auditioning for the role of Rey Skywalker.

Every Star Wars movie is currently available on Disney+

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