It is an unquestionable fact that superhero films require tons of special effects or visual effects. Especially those that involve scenes where the character as well as its environment needs to be transformed in a way that does not appear like the normal environment.

DC’s speedster Flash is exactly such type of character that requires special effects while he is in his lightning speed zone. From Flash’s point of view, the world looks different when he is traversing ahead at lightning speed.

With that, there is a scene in the recently released DCEU’s The Flash, where the visual effect editing seems as if it was not finished before releasing the film. However, director Andy Muschietti has cleared the air around the seemingly distorted VFX work since.

Andy Muschietti Clears That Distorted CGI Effect In The Flash Was Done on Purpose

Andy Muschietti
Andy Muschietti

It can be a make-or-break deal when applying visual effects in films. Either it is perfect or it’s not. Films based on fiction require the most editing in terms of visual effects and CGI, which also includes superhero films and such. Following the recent release of DCEU’s The Flash, the film has been receiving backlash for the distorted CGI effect in the opening scene itself.

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Flash is a superhero that travels at the speed of light and whenever he does that, the difference in his speed and the world around him results in the change in his POV of the surrounding world. It’s all mostly blurry due to the hyper-speed state the Flash is in.

The Flash
The Flash

A major spoiler is incoming but in the scene, the speedster is supposed to be saving a nursery of kids as they fall out of a building in Gotham City. He gets called on for help by his Justice League member Batman. What did not go unnoticed by the viewers was how the CGI effect of Flash’s POV appeared “weird and distorted”.

However, amid all the talks about a possible incomplete VFX editing work, director Andy Muschiettin has finally cleared the air. And as per io9, he explained that the distorted effect was created “on purpose”. Even though it looks weird, Flash’s POV is supposed to appear like that according to Muschiettti.

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More on The Ezra-Miller Starring The Flash

The Flash
The Flash

DCEU’s latest Andy Muschietti-directed The Flash starring Ezra Miller is based on the Flashpoint plot where Barry Allen tries to go back in the past to save his mother and as a result, causes multiverse chaos. The main antagonist in the movie is General Zod. Along with the Dark Flash form, an alternate universe also appears in the story.

As Allen gets stuck in a different reality by inadvertently altering the future. This reality, unfortunately, brings him to a world where the supervillain General Zod exists.

Also Read: ‘The Flash’ Post Credit Scene Explained: Why Did Ezra Miller’s Flash Meet With This Justice League Member 

Source: Gizmodo

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