During the early days of the MCU, movies were more regulated and directors did not get the freedom to freely work on the movie. Over the years, the format changed and Marvel now allows directors to stray just a bit further from the traditional Marvel Studios formula. Marvel will let creators of Deadpool 3 work freely and work on the movie just like Taika Waititi worked on Thor: Love and Thunder.

Also read: Kevin Feige Reveals Thor: Love and Thunder Was Conceived During Ragnarok’s Opening Night Dinner

Deadpool 3 co-writer, Rhett Reese, talked about Marvel’s supervision


In an interview with Discussing Film, Rhett Reese, a co-writer on Deadpool 3, said that Marvel is lenient and said the studio lets them “do what they do”,

“It’s almost like putting on a comfy old sweater. Marvel’s really given us the support to maintain the tone and the vision that we have for it. They’ve been very hands-off and supportive, but they’ve also let us do what we do. So really, it’s just been fun. We’re mad scientists back in the laboratory again. Deadpool is our favorite who will always be the character I think we’re most associated with, and we’re very grateful for being allowed to write him again. So it’s a blast. It’s like going back to school again after having summer off. It’s pretty fun.”

In recent years, the studio has become more “supportive” when it comes to filmmakers’ input when they’re working on their movies.

Marvel Studios wasn’t like this back in the day

Robert Downey Jr. and Jon Favreau
Robert Downey Jr. and Jon Favreau

Iron Man director Jon Favreau had quarrels with Marvel because the studio was trying to put too much Avengers setup into Iron Man 2. It was mainly because Marvel as a whole was under Ike Perlmutter and eventually, Kevin Feige requested Ike Perlmutter to not interfere with the operation of the movies’ productions.

However, Marvel still interferes whenever needed

Thor: Love and Thunder movie poster
Thor: Love and Thunder

It was recently revealed that Taika Waititi’s Thor: Love and Thunder was capped at a two-hour run time by Marvel and was not allowed to go beyond that. But overall, it would appear that as long as directors follow all the basic rules set by the studio, they’re allowed to get creative when they’re working on the movie.

Source: Gamerant

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