Arrow Season 7 may have ended with a big bang, but it is the latest season of Arrow that has fans excited. Arrow Season 8 which recently aired on the CW is the last season in Arrowverse. As upsetting as this is fans couldn’t be more excited for the latest season. Season 8 of the Arrowverse is setting the stage for the multiverse, Crisis on Infinite Earths. The finale of Season 7 reveals the Monitor taking Oliver on a quest. However the premier of the latest season reveals the details on Monitor and Oliver’s Journey. 

Welcome to Hong Kong

Welcome to Hong Kong
Arrow 8×02 is giving us easter eggs for upcoming Crisis.

The monitor sends Oliver to Earth-2 asking him to obtain dwarf star particles. Even though the mission is a success, it warns us of the danger that lies ahead. The parallel earth is seemingly wiped off from the existence by the Anti-Monitor. 

But the second episode of Arrow that premiered on October 22, 2019 further gives us details on Oliver’s mission. The Monitor sends Oliver on a mission to retrieve Dr. Wong. Since, Oliver’s missions are directly in contact with Crisis on Infinite Earths, so all the questions will be answered in due time. But based on Comics one can easily take away that the Monitor is assembling the Cosmic Tuning Fork. 

Cosmic Tuning Fork

Cosmic Tuning Fork
The Monitor is setting stage for building the Cosmic Tuning Fork.

The Cosmic Tuning Forks first makes an appearance in Marv Wolfman and George Pérez’ 1985 limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths. The Tuning Forks  are giant towers created by the Monitor appearing on multiple parallel Earths. The Tuning Forks are crucial for original Crisis. After all, they also play a role in Infinite Crisis, as well as Dark Days: Metal.

The Monitor is preparing to save the Infinite Earths from his brother, the Anti-Monitor. Oliver Queen is acquiring all the pieces the Monitor needs to build the cosmic tower. Since, Oliver is sent to retrieve Dwarf Star Particles and Dr. Wong who might recreate the deadly Alpha/Omega virus from Season 3.

Crisis on Infinite Earths is releasing in December 2019. Watch the latest episodes of Arrow season 8 on airing on Tuesdays at 9pm ET/PT only on CW.

Check out the teaser for 8×03 Leap of Faith below:

Arrow 8x03 Promo "Leap of Faith" (HD) Season 8 Episode 3 Promo

Source: CBR

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