Ashley Graham Hated ‘Plus Size Model’ Label – Same Moniker That Made Her $10M Fortune: “I keep it real and raw”
When talking about body positivity, one name that pops up in the head is plus-size model Ashley Graham. She has advocated for body inclusivity for a long time and it has helped with bringing the issue to the forefront of the fashion industry. However, over time due to her weight change, people have questioned where she stood at the moment in terms of body positivity.
According to Graham, constantly speaking about her body might be a positive thing for many. But it could easily get exhausting for every topic to be related to her body somehow. And reportedly that has led to a decline in the model actively advocating for plus-size women.
Ashley Graham Is Reportedly Tired of Talking About Body Positivity

As it happens, too much of a good thing is also capable of turning lame with time. And this is exactly what seems to have happened with Ashley Graham and her advocacy for plus-size people. Graham’s whole career and fortune stand on being a plus-size model. And as such she has been actively spreading body exclusivity in the fashion industry that prefers skinny people over anything else.

There is no doubt that the model’s advocacy has provided many women with the positivity to embrace their plus-size bodies. But as much as she loves to spread the love for all types of bodies, Graham is reportedly talking about it constantly. However as she shared,
“I keep it real and raw constantly”
So, even though she might not be enthusiastic about discussing her plus-size body, she still believes in authenticity. The model further added that it was the reason she never posted any “perfect” shots. Because she believes in not hiding back fats, cellulite, or any such aspects of the body. Her weight might have fluctuated a lot but the original thought remains about body positivity.
Ashley Graham’s Plus-Size Modeling Career

The advocate of plus-size bodies, Ashely Graham did not have an easy start in her modeling career. This is not surprising in the case of the fashion industry which has a strict preference for ultra-skinny people. Graham’s modeling journey strayed back in 2009. With the movement of body inclusive taking the centre stage, she found her way to success as a plus-size model.
And since then her career in the modeling industry has never looked back. The mother of two has constantly been embracing her body and any “flaws” in it. This has undoubtedly made many confident in their skin and body (literally).
Also Read: $10M Rich Plus Size Model Ashley Graham Still Fighting For “Size Diversity On The Runway”
Source: The Things