Avengers: Endgame Set Different Death For Loki After Thor: Ragnarok
The beginning of Infinity War introduced fans to the death of Loki by the hands of Thanos. It clearly emphasized on the threat that Thanos brought with his army. However, Loki’s death wasn’t always a part of his character. The possibility of Loki being alive even for a slightly longer period in the duration for Infinity War certainly struck a lot of hearts.
Thor: Ragnarok in Avengers: Endgame Artbook

The Avengers: Endgame artbook contained an alternate draft for the events of Thor: Ragnarok. It depicted the God of Mischief teleporting to Jotunheim to hide the Tesseract, and himself from Thanos’ reach. Unfortunately, his end still came at the hands of the Mad Titan who takes the Tesseract and kills the trickster. It is still a slightly different path for Loki, one that would have ensured a longer screen time. However, his death was inevitable.
Loki’s Disney+ Series

Endgame provided a different narrative with the God of Mischief after his escape with the Tesseract. It certainly brings more to the audience, specifically regarding his upcoming Disney+ series. LOKI revolves around the tricksters adventures after his escape from the heroes’ grasp with an Infinity Stone. Disney+ revealed a special titled ‘Expanding The Universe,” that discusses the creative teams plan for the beloved, mischievous villain.
LOKI’s Executive Producers on The Series

“There’s a huge time travel component. There will be a man on the run quality to it and we get the chance to explore more human sides of Loki.” Stephen Broussard, LOKI’s executive producer, stated. Considering Loki’s character as one who can manipulate events according to his liking, the space stone will inevitably open more opportunities. Kevin Wright, another executive producer stated, “We’re finally going to see him on his back foot. This is him, being put in a position where he doesn’t have all the answers, and has been thrown a curveball by life.
Source: Comicbook, Heroic Hollywood