The Marvel Cinematic Universe as we know it has come to an end, with this weekend’s Avengers: Endgame closing an unprecedented, decade-long chapter of filmmaking. Now that it’s over, the future for the MCU is completely wide-open. There was no post-credits scene to tease what’s to come, so aside from a couple of films already in development, the future of Marvel on the big-screen is a complete and total mystery. Even the minds behind Avengers: Endgame don’t know what’s next for the franchise, but they do know what they’d like to do next.

Avengers Endgame
Avengers Endgame

What’s the future in Marvel?

While breaking down the aftermath of Endgame with The New York Times, screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely were asked about their futures with Marvel and what films they’d like to write next. While they admitted that there isn’t a plan for them yet (at least that they’re allowed to talk about), Markus revealed that Moon Knight is a character he’s been interested in for a while.

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“We really do just know what you know,” Markus said. “They’re doing The Eternals, which is a property I know next to nothing about. We’ve been here, trying to set this contraption running. Were we to take another one on, you can’t increase the scope or the stakes from where we are at the moment. We’d have to shrink it back down, do an origin story. There are deep-bench characters where I’m like, if you roll that guy out, I couldn’t resist. There is a great Moon Knight movie to be made, but I don’t know what is.”

About Moon Knight

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Moon Knight

From the sound of it, Markus is game for such a project, but he’d need ample time in order to hammer out the story. For now, though, all we can really do is cross our fingers hoping that Kevin Feige gives Markus and his writing partner, Stephen McFeely, the go-ahead within the next few years.

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Funny enough, Moon Knight almost appeared during Iron Fist‘s second season, but it’s really for the better that he didn’t. When you consider how that wasn’t exactly the most well received show making up the Netflix initiative – not to mention how each series has been cancelled – it’s preferable that such a complicated guy is saved for something with a chance of being ongoing

Moon Knight is audience’s demand for Upcoming Marvel movies

Moon Knight is a character that fans have been asking to see on the screen, either in film or on television, for some time. If Markus ever does get the opportunity, there is an actor he’s familiar with ready to take on the titular role.

Ross Marquand, star of The Walking Dead who donned heavy makeup to portray the Red Skull in Infinity War and Endgame, spoke at a con in December and was vocal about his desire to play Moon Knight for Marvel.

“But on the off chance that that character — I don’t know if he’s out of the MCU, or if he’s free to roam, or whatever — but if he doesn’t come back, I would love to play Moon Knight,” Marquand told fans.

Here is the link to the trailer of the latest movie from Marvel Cinematic Universe:

References: comicbook, Hiptoro

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