The writers of the most successful films of all time, Avengers are done with Marvel Studios (temporarily). But if the option came up to tackle the greatest superhero, they might not turn it down.


Who they’d like to tackle

Wrapping up their press run for Avengers Endgame, the writing duo was asked which DC superhero they’d like to tackle. One of them gave a surprising answer.


“I mean, I think Captain America shows there are certainly ways to do a really good Superman movie in this day,” answered the writer. “You don’t have to dirty him up, you don’t have to get rid of his earnestness. I’m a big — Christopher Reeve Superman is one of my favourite movies. So that’s one we certainly borrow from all the time.”


Superman vs Man of Steel

Superman vs Man of Steel
Steve Rogers makes up a strong character.

This is in stark contrast with the approach of Man of Steel. In which the writers attempted to modernize the character by forcing him into real-world situations.  He had to make difficult choices, such as killing General Zod in the battle of Metropolis.


Endgame writers took a different direction, having written all three Captain America movies and Avengers. Instead, they embraced many of the aspects of Steve Rogers that make him a strong character that refused to bend in a world that continues to change.


The writers’ current position in Marvel Studios

The writers' current position in Marvel Studios
The writers are going to work on a few projects with Marvel Studios.

The writers are currently finished with their obligations to Marvel Studios.

“We don’t know yet, but we certainly have no desire never to return,” one writer told us earlier this year. “We’re not on anything at the moment, and we’re going to do a few things for the studio that we founded with the Russo’s. But you know, this has been an amazing experience, and we’d be fools to say that.”

There’s no news on what film plans Warner Bros. has for Superman, but news of the Avengers writer’s interest might kickstart something.


Have you watched the Endgame trailer yet? Do watch it in the link below and let us know if you liked it:

Watch trailer now


Source:  MovieWeb , ComicBook 


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