Miss Taylor Swift needs no introduction. The American singer-songwriter is one of the world’s best-selling musicians, with over 200 million records sold. She is the highest-grossing female touring act, the most-streamed woman on Spotify and Apple Music, and the first billionaire with music as the main source of income. The Anti-Hero singer’s awards and accolades include 12 Grammy Awards (including three Album of the Year wins), 1 Primetime Emmy Award, 40 American Music Awards (including Artist of the Decade – 2010s), 40 Billboard Music Awards, and 23 MTV Video Music Awards.

Taylor Swift (Image via. Big Machine Records)

Recently, it seems she has been going through a Cruel Summer due to the media’s probing about her s*xuality. While many social media sites are filled with speculation about Swift’s s*xuality, recently, for the first time, a prominent media outlet has done such a huge piece on the question, and it has fueled a storm of rage among the people close to her. 

Taylor Swift’s s*xuality gets dragged by a prominent media outlet

Recently, The New York Times published an editorial this week that openly speculates about the Lover singer’s s*xuality. It was a 5000-word piece written by editor Anna Marks that tries to “answer” the question of whether Taylor Swift was trying to come out with the release of her album Lover. The album in question featured rainbows and “pastel shades of blue, purple and pink, colors that subtly evoke the bisexual pride flag,” as per the theory of Marks. She also went on to note that on April 26, 2019, which happens to be Lesbian Visibility Day, Taylor Swift released the single ME! which shows the singer dancing at a pride parade while singing the lyrics:

“Turning down a man’s marriage proposal in exchange for a … p*ssy cat.”

Also Read: “I can’t think about anything else”: Taylor Swift was Ready to Fight Tooth and Nail for an Actor Cat

Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift (Image via. Big Machine Records)

The biggest piece of alleged evidence that Marks had was the release of Swift’s music video You Need to Calm Down, where she featured queer celebrities including Ellen DeGeneres, the hosts of Queer Eye, and Billy Porter. 

However, Taylor Swift did explain months later, in a Vogue article, that the video was her attempt to be an ally and nothing else. She has been vocal about the rights of LGBTQ people for a long time and wanted to do something on a large scale to show support for the queer community, which was being stripped of their rights.

“Rights are being stripped from basically everyone who isn’t a straight white cisgender male. I didn’t realize until recently that I could advocate for a community that I’m not a part of.”

Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift (image via. Big Machine Records)

Also Read: “My dad’s like the friendliest guy in the world”: Taylor Swift’s Dad Had a Strange Celebration After She Became a Superstar

However, Anna Marks, steadfast in her theories, goes on to write,

“To maintain the stranglehold she has on pop culture, Ms. Swift must continue to tell a story that those audiences expect to consume; she falls in love with a man or she gets revenge. As a result, her confessional songs languish in a place of presumed stasis; even as their meaning has grown deeper and their craft more intricate, a substantial portion of her audience’s understanding of them remains wedded to the same old narratives.”

Although the author did mention once that the piece might have been born out of her “earnest projection,” it does get lost in the 5000-word article, which is nothing short of a Wattpad story or short novella.

People close to Taylor Swift slam the media for being invasive about her s*xuality

The insiders close to the pop star are furious, to say the least, and they are leaving no stone unturned to let their feelings be known. While talking to CNN, the anonymous sources had some choice words to say about the media and their lack of boundaries and personal space when it comes to big celebrities.

“There seems to be no boundary some journalists won’t cross when writing about Taylor, regardless of how invasive, untrue, and inappropriate it is—all under the protective veil of an ‘opinion piece.’ Because of her massive success, at this moment there is a Taylor-shaped hole in people’s ethics.” 

Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift (Image via. Big Machine Records)

The source also pointed out that if it were some male celebrity like Shawn Mendes, whose s*xuality has also been a topic of debate among fans, these kinds of op-ed pieces would not have been written.

“[It would not] have been allowed to be written about Shawn Mendes or any male artist whose sexuality has been questioned by fans.”

Also Read: “Don’t be with her”: The Real Inspiration Behind Taylor Swift’s You Belong with Me Had Nothing to Do with a Guy she Liked

In the past, Taylor Swift has always said that her performances are a “safe space” for LGBTQ people and has been very vocal in her support for the group. She also stood up for the community when anti-gay measures were being passed. However, she denied being a part of the LGBTQ community.

Taylor Swift’s latest album, 1989 (Taylor’s Version), is available to stream on all prominent music platforms.

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