Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s divorce and defamation trial settled almost a year back, but still, the ex-couple never fails to make headlines with their public appearance. The legal courtroom trial took a toll on the careers of both actors.

Johnny Depp                                                                                  Johnny Depp

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As the Charlie And The Chocolate Factory star made his comeback with his movie Jeanne Du Barry, Amber Heard would be making a comeback almost after a year with Connor Allyn-directed drama In The Fire alongside actor Luca Calvani.

Johnny Depp’s Unexpected Reaction On Amber Heard’s Libel Case

Johnny Depp did not care much about the verdict of the libel case against his ex-wife Amber Heard when the actor was on The Hollywood Vampires tour. According to the actor’s bandmate Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp gave an unexpected reaction with respect to the courtroom trial with his ex-wife Amber Heard.

As per the information provided to the media outlet Vulture, by the actor’s bandmate, Johnny Depp never spoke about or initiated any conversation regarding his legal trial. His bandmate Alice Cooper said-

“Not at all. If you talk to Johnny about it, it was something that happened. He was just like, ‘Yeah, yeah, what’s the next song? For Johnny, it was one of those things where … you can’t say it got blown out of proportion, but I don’t know why they would televise the proceedings, right? It’s because of the fame of both people.”

Johnny Depp
Amber Heard and Johnny Depp during the defamation trial

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The musician further added-

“I don’t think it was ever mentioned on the tour because nobody cared. I never watched a moment of the trials,” he said. “It was so blown out of proportion. It was such a Hollywood thing. I knew Johnny was gonna win because how many people have other exes literally on their side testifying for him? That never happens.”

According to the bandmate, the Pirates Of The Caribbean actor was hardly interested in talking about his personal life during the tour. The verdict was given in favor of Johnny Depp and fines were imposed on both the parties.

Johnny Depp’s Ex Amber Heard Barred From The Charges On The Illegal Import Of Dogs

Amber Heard was back in the spotlight recently. The Aquaman actor got into serious legal trouble with the Australian Government in 2015. The 37-year-old actor traveled to the island country during the filming of one of the sequels of her then-husband Johnny Depp’s Pirates Of The Caribbean. She was accompanied by her dogs Boo and Pistol without going through customs and permits, which is straightaway illegal according to the Department Of Agriculture in Australia.

Amber Heard
Amber Heard

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Recently, the Australian government removed all the charges against Amber Heard. According to a public statement issued by the Australian Department Of Agriculture-

“The department collaborated with agencies, both in Australia and overseas, to investigate these claims against Ms. Heard. A brief of evidence was referred to the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions, who has made the decision not to prosecute in this instance having applied the Prosecution Policy of the Commonwealth,” 

The rules and regulations with respect to the import of animals from any other country to Australia are strict. On the violation of the law, one has to be subjected to a 10-year prison term along with a fine of $75,000.


Source: Vulture

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