After the success of DC’s first superhero movie Suicide Squad, Birds of Prey movie will follow the journey of Harley Quinn played by actress Margot Robbie. Birds of prey movie will develop a storyline where Harley Quinn along with Huntress (played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead) and Black Canary (played by Jurnee Smollet-Bell). The trio will try to save a young girl named Cassandra Cain (played by Ella Jay Bosco) from an evil crime lord the Black Mask (played by Ewan Mcgregor) in the Gotham City. 

Birds of Prey Teaser

Birds of Prey Star Claims its Unlike Anything You Have Seen Before1
We’re the Bad Guys; it’s what we do

There have been many teasers for the Birds of Prey, but the one that stands out is the commentary by Screenwriter Christina Hodson who told publication Total Film, “Margot knew she wanted to tell a ‘Harley Quinn plus girls’ story. That was kind of where she began with it. She knew she wanted a girl gang. She wanted Harley to have friends.” 

Margot Robbie met Christina Hodson four years ago before releasing of Suicide Squad. Since then Robbie had given out many ideas for the movie and was instantly attracted to the Birds of Prey comic. 

Huntress Gives an Insight 

Birds of Prey Star Claims its Unlike Anything You Have Seen Before2
Every Hero has a story not that I am some kind of hero. But there comes a point when to survive the hunted must become the hundreds.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead plays the character of Helena Bertinelli aka Huntress in the film Birds of Prey. She recently gave us an insight on what the audience can expect from the movie in an interview with TotalFilm. Winstead revealed, “You can expect something really fun and a bit wild and totally unique. Every day we were there, we were doing something that just felt really weird and funny and unlike anything else I’ve seen before in this genre. It was incredibly exciting to get to do that. We got to work. We just played, and we had fun.” 

The director Cathy Yan during a panel appearance revealed, “I could not put the script down, it had so much dark humour to it.” 

Birds of Prey is set to release worldwide on 7 February 2020. 

If you haven’t seen the trailer for Bird of Prey, watch it down below:

Birds of Prey Teaser Trailer #1 (2020) | 'See You Soon' | Movieclips Trailers

Source1: -elizabeth-winstead

Source 2: nterview/ 

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