We last saw Aaron Paul a.k.a Jesse Pinkman in the series finale in 2013 and when that happened, he was sobbing in joy after escaping a group of white supremacists.

Breaking Bad Movie Is Underway

Breaking Bad film underway
Breaking Bad film underway

However, a Breaking Bad film is on its way. It will be starring the sidekick character in the critically acclaimed series Breaking Bad.

As reported by Variety and The Hollywood Reporter, the project will be helmed by creator Vince Gilligan and will see Aaron Paul reprise his role as Pinkman, the apprentice to Walter White in their Albuquerque, crystal meth drug ring.

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It was later confirmed by Buzz Feed news that the project is, in fact, underway. Deadline was the first to report that the Breaking Bad film will air on Netflix and then move to AMC. There hasn’t been any official word by Sony Pictures, Netflix and AMC yet. Even the representatives of Gilligan and Paul didn’t respond immediately.

The news of the sequel first came in November but it wasn’t clear who would be in the film from its original cast. (Given that Cranston’s character dies at the end of Breaking Bad)

Cranston would ‘love’ to come back on Breaking Bad

Bryan Cranston in Breaking Bad
Bryan Cranston in Breaking Bad

Cranston revealed on Dan Patrick Show in November that he hadn’t received a script and wasn’t sure about his character’s appearance. However, he did say that he would “love” to comeback.

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“It’s a great story and there are a lot of people who felt that they wanted to see some kind of completion to some of these storylines that were left open,” Cranston said. “This idea, from what I’m told, gets into those — at least a couple of the characters who were not completed, as far as their journey.”

“I don’t know if there’s an appearance — flashbacks, flash-forwards — but I’m excited about it because it’s Breaking Bad and it was the greatest professional period of my life and I can’t wait to see all those people again, even if I just come by to visit,” Cranston added.

Both Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston won Emmy Awards for Breaking Bad.

Source: BuzzFeed News, Hollywood Reporter

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