• 'Blade' reboot faces delays and problems, frustrating fans.
  • Kevin Feige confirms the film's R-rating but fails to excite fans.
  • Marvel Studios needs to live up to high expectations to win fans' approval.

The eagerly awaited Blade reboot with Mahershala Ali has been through quite a ride of delays and problems since it was first announced in 2019. Fans were excited at first about the idea of a darker, grittier Blade film, but recent updates have made many wonder what the future holds for the movie.

Mahershala Ali is set to play Blade in MCU (Credits: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)

Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige recently confirmed that the film will be rated R. Though, this rating matches Blade’s original character, the update hasn’t done much to ease the growing impatience among fans.

Blade’s Long Road to the Big Screen

Kevin Feige in an interview with ScreenSlam (Credits: YouTube/ScreenSlam)
Kevin Feige in an interview with ScreenSlam (Credits: YouTube/ScreenSlam)

Blade has hit many roadblocks, including losing directors Bassam Tariq and Yann Demange because of differing creative ideas. All these changes behind the scenes have naturally led fans to worry about the film. Now, new details have emerged. Recently, Kevin Feige stated in an interview with ComingSoon that the film is R-rated, saying:

“I will say we’ve been working on a Blade movie for very long and aren’t going to start that movie until we’ve got it exactly right. So that’s an R-rated movie we’re developing as well. So, where appropriate, I think we’ll certainly we’ll certainly do that.”

He added:

[We’re] taking the amount of time that it needs. And right now, I don’t think there’s a scoop. If there is, it’s all yours. But Eric Pearson, who’s a great, great writer, is working on a draft right now. That is very exciting. Yeah. so, but we won’t get too excited until it’s really all there because Blade’s a very, very important character. Mahershala [Ali] is an amazing actor who walked in one day and said, ‘I think I wanna be Blade.’ And we wanna find the right way to do that.

Some fans are becoming increasingly frustrated and disillusioned by this new update. Check out some fan reactions:

This news comes after Feige mentioned in an interview with BlackTree TV that Marvel is being careful and not rushing things. This has become a source of frustration because, with the release date approaching, there is still no clear idea about the film’s direction—just a lot of updates with no concrete details.

Is the Delay of the Blade Reboot Worth the Wait?

Eric Brooks/Blade in Eternals
Eric Brooks/Blade in Eternals (Credits: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)

The Blade reboot was initially expected to shake up the MCU with its darker tone and new direction. But with the production facing problems and delays, there’s a risk it might lose its impact and get overshadowed by other MCU projects.

Marvel’s big news that the new Blade movie will be rated R is a promising start. But whether this will get fans excited again is still up in the air. For the film to succeed, it needs a great, true-to-Blade story and to tackle any production problems it might face.

As the release date approaches, Marvel Studios faces growing pressure to create a film that meets the high expectations for the Blade franchise. Meanwhile, fans are anxiously waiting, hoping that the end result will be worth the long wait.

Blade is currently scheduled to be released on November 7, 2025.

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