Captain Marvel got thousands of reviews by the audience in merely hours of its release on Friday. However, it scores a dismal audience rating of 33% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Captain Marvel gets poor Audience Reviews

Captain Marvel opens to poor audience but strong critic reviews
Captain Marvel opens to poor audience but strong critic reviews

“As of 8 a.m., the film had a 33 percent audience score from more than 58,000 reviews,” reported The Hollywood Reporter. The outlet credited the low audience rating to “trolls” sandbagging the film, noting that the number of reviews in a matter of mere hours from “Captain Marvel’s” opening is “more than the total of audience score reviews for Avengers: Infinity War for its entire theatrical run.”

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As we went through Friday, the audience score was on 35%, while the critics score was at a solid 81%.

“Very little to get excited about here as the villain is the best character in the movie. Brie Larson is awfully miscast in the lead role. Thumb up for Mendelsohn and Jackson. As a lead-in to End Game it’s both inadequate and unnecessary,” reads one review from the site.

One reviewer posted, “Wasn’t expecting much going in and that’s what I got, not much. Brie Larson was a poor choice for the lead. She’s just not believable. I was bored all too often watching it.”

“A boring and bland story focused on a character with neither personality nor a single weakness,” says another post critical of the film.

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Rotten Tomatoes recently banned Early Audience Reviews

Captain Marvel is out in theaters now.
Captain Marvel is out in theaters now.

It was recently amended by Rotten Tomatoes by barring the general public from writing reviews of a film before its release. This was just to cut back on trolls, leaving negative reviews.

“We are disabling the comment function prior to a movie’s release date,” said Rotten Tomatoes, according to The Hollywood Reporter. “Unfortunately, we have seen an uptick in non-constructive input, sometimes bordering on trolling, which we believe is a disservice to our general readership. We have decided that turning off this feature, for now, is the best course of action. Don’t worry though, fans will still get to have their say: Once a movie is released, audiences can leave a user rating and comments as they always have.”

Is the film actually bad?

While most feminists in the media claim that the bad reviews for the film come via women-hating male critics, Captain Marvel has taken some heat from women too. A female critic from Reeling Reviews gave Captain Marvel a C- rating, criticising the actress for her performance.

…I found the whole film to be a muddle of special effects, disjointed writing and lack of humor. The humor, especially, is built in to the other Marvel films and I wonder why there is nearly none in ‘Captain Marvel.’ The answer, I think is in the film’s star, Brie Larson, as hot-shot fighter pilot and kick ass warrior Carol Danvers. She is OK in the action sequences, which are many, but is too serious an actor for the character. That is a real problem for a hero in a franchise that is known for its mirth. … It is telling that there are eight credited writers, making this a kitchen sink of clichés,” said Clifford.

Source: Daily Wire, Twitter

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