Batman Begins was an ambitious project, and not just because Christopher Nolan brought gravitas to a franchise previously known for its bullet-proof nipples.

The Dunkirk director was tasked with starting from scratch with the Caped Crusader’s origin story, and he took that challenge very seriously indeed. It’s why Christian Bale doesn’t even pull on his cowl until mid-way through the film.batman begins christian bale 1554115577

Some secret  revealed about the Batman Trilogy

It didn’t take long for Christopher Nolan’s trilogy of Batman films, dubbed The Dark Knight Trilogy, to become the most celebrated stories in all of Batman lore. Outside of maybe the initial Batman movie from 1989, the series of Batman BeginsThe Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises is often considered the top of the class for the big screen adaptations of the Caped Crusader. By now, we know these three Dark Knight movies inside and out, having watched them on all on numerous occasions.

However, Nolan came forward this weekend, on the 80th Anniversary of Batman’s debut, and admitted that there was something we may not have known about his celebrated trilogy

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A White Lie

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Christopher Nolan

As it turns out, the success of Batman Begins, the first film in the trilogy, began with a little white lie. After Nolan’s first cut of the film, the studio wasn’t happy with one major decision regarding Batman’s suit, and the director fibbed his way through it in order to make the movie the way he wanted.

What was the lie?

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That lie was all about when Christian Bale first put on the Batsuit, which doesn’t happen until later in the movie. While talking to The Hollywood Reporter, Nolan said that the studio initially complained about his choice to push the suit out of the first act. So, he was quick to point to Richard Donner’s Superman movie as an example of why he should do things his way instead. He told the studio that Christopher Reeve’s Superman didn’t wear his suit until almost an hour into that movie, which isn’t entirely true.

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“I was able to say ‘Well, Christopher Reeve didn’t put on the suit until 53 minutes in,'” Nolan said. “That statistic is not true by the way. It’s actually a little earlier.”

Well, now that the entire trilogy is in the past, everyone is likely grateful for Nolan’s small fib. Batman Begins set the tone for all of the good things that happened in the Dark Knightmovies, and keeping the focus off of the suit for a little while really gave Nolan the chance to build his character and backstory before transitioning to Batman.

References  comicbook

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