CNN Ratings Hit Record 9 Year Low Following Controversial Donald Trump Interview, Don Lemon Getting Sacked
CNN has run into difficulty as a result of the contentious Donald Trump interview. After Don Lemon was fired by the news network, CNN was already creating a stir. The former American president’s primetime town hall discussion sparked debate about the media coverage.

Many people and internet users questioned CNN’s desire for Trump to appear on their platform and voice his ideas. Keeping in mind Trump and CNN haven’t always gotten along well, Trump’s town hall discussion made people ask questions. After all the controversies the news network is losing viewers.
CNN only garnered 371,000 viewers in May

For many years, CNN has consistently rated highly, but sadly, things aren’t going well for the news network this year. According to sources, Nielsen figures show that between May 15 and May 21, CNN only attracted 371,000 primetime viewers. The networks’ lowest rating has been declared based on these numbers.
One of the biggest reasons why CNN is losing viewers is because of the myriads of controversies being attached to the news network for a long time. The primetime town hall interview with Donald Trump was one of the biggest reasons why CNN disappointed its viewers. Reportedly many netizens questioned their journalism and media coverage. There are numerous legal issues and scandals involving the former president.
CNN chairman defended the Townhall interview of Donald Trump on CNN

Chris Licht, head of CNN, stepped in to save the network after people began questioning it about the town hall interview with Trump. To his staff, Licht argued that the interview was justified, he said,
“You do not have to like the former president’s answers, but you can’t say that we didn’t get them. Kaitlan pressed him again and again and made news … Made a lot of news, and that is our job.”
Many individuals believe Don Lemon’s departure from the network may possibly be the cause of the decline in views. CNN dismissed Lemon in April 2023. The CNN viewers were greatly impacted by the journalist and anchor. Lemon was a well-known face for a long time, therefore his unexpected departure from the network saddened both his fans and the network’s viewers.
Lemon was fired by CNN after the news organization’s female staff members were horrified by his sexist remarks. He has in the past spoken several derogatory things about women that have upset the female employees of his network. Lemon issued a public apology to women, he wrote,
“What I said came out wrong and I wish I hadn’t said it. I believe women of any age can do anything they set their minds to. The people I am closest to in this organization are women.”
According to rumors, the female employees urged their superiors to pick between Lemon and them. If he wasn’t sacked, they reportedly threatened to quit their employment.
Source: Radar Online; The Guardian