Despite having a nearly universal acclaim, the movie Joker is not generating enough excitement among everybody about its release.  There are some who feel that the film’s message is extremely inappropriate given the current climate in America, as the flick’s central message appears to be the glorification of a sad, angry loner committing acts of extreme violence. And this coincides with a time period where mass shootings seem to occur almost daily. A few critics even feel that the movie might inspire those in a delicate mental state to emulate Joker’s descent into madness.

The madman responsible for the 2012 mass killings inside a theatre had reportedly told police that he was the “Joker”

The madman responsible for the 2012 mass killings inside a theatre had reportedly told police that he was the “Joker”
Let’s choose to make a wise decision here people.

If it happens this apprehensive way, it wouldn’t be the first time someone drew inspiration from the character in order to carry out an act of domestic terrorism, either. During a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises back in 2012, James Eagan Holmes entered a theatre in Aurora, Colorado and began shooting at audience members, ultimately killing 12 and injuring 70 more. When he was taken into custody, the madman reportedly told police that he was the Joker.

Joker is said to be screened again in Toronto for a serious debate before its release

Joker is said to be screened again in Toronto for a serious debate before its release
Some say YAY others say NAY

Debate over whether Joker turns that kind of archetype into a heroic figure (intentionally or not), is already provoking some impassioned arguments online – a full month before the film even hits theatres.

According to Variety, the movie Joker although receiving a standing ovation at the Venice Film Festival critics are worried that the timing of release is very inappropriate, given the recent events in America and the world which is “plagued by gun violence.”

“That all, but guarantees that “Joker” will be a topic of fierce debate at Toronto, where it will screen again, as critics and audiences grapple over the questions of whether it’s a brilliant piece of art or a danger to society. If the filmmakers are able to address those fears, “Joker” could be the rare comic-book movie that also becomes a certified Oscar contender…”


Extreme Possibilities… it’s gonna be all in or all out.

Extreme Possibilities... it’s gonna be all in or all out.
It’s the audience that decides the fate

Previously, The Hunt was cancelled by its studio for similar concerns, but Joker is obviously a much more high-profile project. People are even calling the central performance the best of Joaquin Phoenix’s career and claiming the film could very well earn itself some Academy Award nominations. The blockbuster, which is drawing comparisons to The Dark Knight, is also expected to shatter October box office records.

The best everyone can do right now then is stay vigilant and hope that the movie doesn’t inspire anyone who’s already on edge to do anything horrid. If people really are worried about others going off the deep end though because of a piece of entertainment, then they should focus their attention on the real issue at hand: how these fragile-minded viewers are getting their hands on these killing machines in the first place.


Sources: ComicBook, WeGotThisCovered

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