Creators of Game of Thrones Season 8 Disclose that Drogon Did Not Eat Dany’s Body
The one question which everybody had after the Game of seasons was this, “What did Dragon do with Dany’s body?”. Now that we have the answer, we can finally sleep in peace.
The GOT was on fire when its final season hit the screens. It will more likely live on infamy as one of the most extraordinary series. If you ever think it’s outdated, then here’s the thing for you. HBO is now bringing the string on your home video for this holidays. With this exclusive episode, the commentary from the prominent people of the show will be telecasted right on your Tv. This commentary is expected to set all the confusions and controversies in peace.

The romantic scene between the star crossed lovers got turned into a betrayal scene stabbing the lady love. At this time, the dragon appeared on scene turning the iron throne into a heap of molten metal. By this time Drogon took Daenerys in his claw and flew away. In one of the final scenes of the show, the new royal council under King Bran “The Broken” review spotted the dragon heading east.

Dragon’s Feast:
Most of the hardcore fans guessed the same thing. They thought Drogan was scooping up Daenerys to take her home to the Volantis. Now with this announcement in the commentary, most of them were relieved. Earlier it was understood that the dragons eat their masters in the world of Game of thrones. Showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss put Clarke’s fears to rest, with Benioff telling her that, in no uncertain terms, “Drogon’s not going to eat you. He’s not a cat. Did you see how gently he was nudging you?”
The Dragons:
The city of Volantis is the finest. The Valyrian empire, where the dragons are born and mastered, is known for its narrow seas and the free cities. This empire originated with the birth of the Targaryen dynasty. The valyrian steel comes from this dynasty. The story, of course, had a sad ending as Daenery couldn’t find a home in Westeros.