Crisis On Two Earths: Why It’s The Most Underrated DCAU Movie
In Crisis On Two Earths, Lex Luthor recruits Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Superman, Green Lantern, and J’onn J’onzz to face and fight against a crime syndicate led by Ultraman, Superwoman, and Owlman. Directed by Sam Liu and Lauren Montgomery, Crisis On Two Earths was the first (but not the last) of DC's animated direct-to-video features and tells an Elseworld story in which both of the Justice Leagues contend with corresponding versions of Lex Luthor. [caption id="attachment_95045" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths[/caption] Related: Crisis on Infinite Earths Healed Wounds From Superman Returns For Brandon Routh Justice League: Crisis
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