Fans of Justice League continue to battle for Warner Bros. to release the Snyder Cut of Justice League. A handful of the film’s stars have come out in support of the campaign at one point or another. In a recent Twitch stream, Cyborg actor Ray Fisher confessed that he hasn’t watched the Snyder Cut for himself. His comments do suggest that the cut is present in a watchable form. “Timing-wise, I don’t think things have really worked out,” Fisher said. “There was a point in time where I was granted with an opportunity to view it, but some errands came up and sadly it was not an option for me. Who knows? I may end up watching it soon.”


DC's Cyborg Movie Was Supposed To Release Today: Why It Didn't Happen
The thrilling part of marvel universe

DC Films set Fisher to star in his Cyborg solo movie. The studio declared the film in 2014 with April 3, 2020, as its release date. DC Films modified its plans after Justice League and detained the Cyborg movie. Nevertheless, fans marked its original release date with social media posts on Friday. That doesn’t suggest that there’s no future for Cyborg in the DC Films shared universe. During his Twitch stream, Fisher teased, “I know there are schemes in the works. How privy am I to those plans? I cannot say.”

Fisher’s thoughts on Cyborg

CYBORG Star Ray Fisher Confirms Involvement In Upcoming DC Films ...
According to Fishers, the cyborg is limitless

Fisher shared with in 2018 about Cyborg’s infinite cinematic potential. “One thing is that we are blessed with an abundance of technology, we as beings are heavily relied on technology, that the probability for Cyborg is almost illimitable with what he could come up with,” Fisher stated at the Aquaman premiere. “We’re discussing a guy who, if he wishes to, could dispatch all the nukes with just a thought. He could terminate all the cyber-terrorism around the globe if that was what his ambition was because you don’t have people rushing and knocking over banks the way they used to. You’re not going and holding them up, you’re getting on you’re keyboard and you’re handling it that way. I think to be able to see that transfer and have it be a real world, in time view of where we’re at in technology would be the most effectual deed we could do.”

Upcoming releases

DC Universe Streaming Service Release Date Announced - GameRevolution
Upcoming thrilling releases

The upcoming DC Films releases include Wonder Woman 1984 on August 14th, The Batman on June 25, 2021, while The Suicide Squad on August 6, 2021, Black Adam is planned to release on December 22 then in 2021, Shazam! 2 on April 1, 2022, followed by The Flash on July 1, 2022, and at last Aquaman 2 on December 16, 2022.

CYBORG trailer below

Cyborg Trailer [HD]

Sources:  It’s covered from,

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