Dark Humor Movies That Are Stupider Than Jupiter
There are times when the things that make us laugh the most aren’t actually worth laughing about. When it comes to achieving the perfect balance in dark humor, directors that specialize in this genre are under even more stress. When done well, dark comedy allows us to find laughter in even the worst aspects of life — be it pain, disease, or even death — and tells us that life doesn’t have to be treated seriously all of the time.
However, only a very few actors and directors are able to put forth this genre in a great manner. Acing this genre truly isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Some of the dark humor movies make us laugh for how stupid they are rather than the humor they bring to us. We have here listed several dark humor movies that you all sure will restrict yourself from watching. Saving your time and your eyes is what we are here for. TOODLES!
The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence)

Everything in this film is done only for the purpose of being excessively violent and repulsive, and that’s about all it manages. This horrifying cringe-fest goes above and above to earn its spot as one of the worst and most unsettling dark humor movies in history, with tasteless gags about sexual assault, sickness, and castration (to put it nicely). With a 2.8 IMDb rating, it has even succeeded in making the first two parts appear like legitimate movies in contrast – which is no small job. If you’re still thinking of seeing “The Human Centipede 3,” be aware because your eyes may hate you.
Leprechaun 4: In Space

This film is as ridiculous as it sounds. “Leprechaun 4: In Space” is a sci-fi dark humor horror film that is so stupid that it feels like it was created by an AI machine. The leprechaun’s version of Freddy Krueger finds himself pursuing a lovely princess to become the king of her home planet. The only reason she wants him is because of his gold. The unusual pair eventually decides to marry one another, with each plotting to murder the other for the advantage. Meanwhile, a squad of space soldiers forms a pact and kills the leprechaun for interfering with their mining activities. One of the soldiers chooses to urinate on the Leprechaun’s body to celebrate his death, allowing the creature’s spirit to pass via his urinary tract and ultimately be reborn through his genitals.
Seed of Chucky

In a disappointing turn for the Chucky franchise, this film was a total disaster, with the majority of its poorly-conceived humor falling flat. There’s also a scene when Chucky and Glen/Glenda are driving down the highway when Britney Spears in her Mercedes overtakes them and flips them off. Needless to say, this enrages Chucky, who pushes Britney’s car off a cliff, causing it to explode spectacularly. “Oops, I did it again,” he says – the very famous punchline. If you like Chucky from the 1980s, do yourself a favor and skip this one.
8 Heads in a Duffel Bag

Released in 1997 – “8 Heads in a Duffel Bag,” depicts the story of Tommy Spinelli, a wise guy hired by two brainless hitmen to transport a bag full of severed heads across the United States and deliver it to a mafia boss as proof that they’ve died. A granny tells Spinelli to check his bad tongue while driving in a van with her and her family, in what is possibly the darkest scene in terms of dark humor. Rather than apologizing or reprimanding her, the mobster simply opens the vehicle’s side door wide and throws her out, sending her flying over a cliff while she yells, “Don’t ‘F’ with me!”
Evil Dead 2

If you’ve watched the first “Evil Dead,” you’ll know that the sequel isn’t nearly as severe as the first and that this venture into the realm of humor hasn’t truly backfired. In the second installment, Ash takes his girlfriend Linda to a remote home in the woods, where he discovers an audio recording of recitations from a collection of mystical books. Playing the cassette, to his horror, summons multiple demons who take possession of and afflict his inner and outward selves. This film has everything you might desire from a horror film, including terrifying severed heads and gored-up gigantic demons hanging from the ceiling, as well as some interesting humor. Despite the fact that “Evil Dead 2” stands on its own, it lacks the appeal of the first film, which is mostly due to the film’s fairly poor cinematography.