Before the defamation trial took place, Johnny Depp had another legal battle in the UK. It was against the British news publication The Sun that called the Edward Scissorhands actor a “wife beater”. An article in the paper claimed that Depp abused his ex-wife Amber Heard. But the allegation was denied by the actor and with that, he went and sued the paper but ended up losing the case.

A year after the article had come up, Depp also sued Heard over defamation for an op-ed she wrote for the Washinton Post in 2018. The trial was held in Virginia, US. The trial was heavily publicized and by now most will know that the Pirates of the Caribbean star won the defamation lawsuit.

But according to the libel case in the UK, the claim about him being a “wife-beater” still stands. Taking this, some of Heard’s fans have recently brought up the fact to emphasize that despite his winning the defamation trial, he could not prove his innocence against the claim about abusing his ex-wife.

Fans of Amber Heard Bring Up Johnny Depp’s Wife-Beater Claim

Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp

By now, it is common knowledge on the internet that Johnny Depp won the defamation trial against his ex-wife Amber Heard. Back in 2019, Depp sued Heard for defamation as she came out with an op-ed back in 2018 about being a victim of domestic abuse. Although she never named or called out her ex-husband explicitly, however, it did not prevent Depp from suing her.

Besides this, the Pirates of the Caribbean star was also involved in another legal case. This happened around the same time but the case was the actor against the British newspaper The Sun. An article was published in the paper which claimed that Depp abused his ex-wife. The paper even called the actor a “wife-beater”. Soon afterward Depp sued the publication but ended up losing the libel case. This means he still has not cleared himself of being a domestic abuser.

Amber Heard
Amber Heard

Unsurprisingly, Heard’s fans are not letting go of her ex-husband so easily. As the Aquaman star faced a huge amount of ridicule from the netizens, therefore her fans are bringing up Depp’s British case once again. And after more than 7 months after the defamation trial, a user brought up the domestic abuse claims to remind people via a tweet. She wrote,

“Depp still remains a judicially proven “wife beater”, as ruled by the British High Court. He is the only abuser.”

More users have tweeted back since.

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Whatever happens, the supporters will remain supportive of the actress. Because Heard faced huge ridicule from the netizens.

What was the Libel Case with The Sun?

Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp

The British newspaper The Sun published an article on domestic violence abuse against Johnny Depp once. They publicly claimed The Tourist actor was a domestic abuser and called him a wife-beater. During the lawsuit case, the judge was with the paper saying what they published was “substantially true”.

Even the publication’s spokesperson said the same thing. According to the statement, the newspaper had always supported victims of domestic abuse and those who spoke out about it. The spokesperson also thanked Amber Heard for coming out with the story.  With that, The Sun ended up winning the case. Depp’s lawyer called the court’s decision “perverse” afterward.

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Source: Twitter

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