Memes on social media keep us entertained. Especially in this quarantine, people are trying out new memes with newer concepts. So, the audience is hungry for new ideas or trends to pop up. One such recent meme was the Captain America and Iron Man fight scene from the Marvel movie, “Captain America: Civil War.” This meme was under the hashtag “Did it work”.

Did it work!

A funny meme from the did it work hashtag
A funny meme from the did it work hashtag

A recent tag in twitter, #diditwork, was created to post the memes trolling the Thai dancer Lisa’s latest cover dance video on the song “mushroom chocolate.” All these memes consist of two picture collaged. One picture is a snap of Lisa’s legs from the video. The other image is used to troll various actors and many other objects, cartoons, animals, etc. to create a funfilled concept. Some of these memes even contained cats. Here’s a tweet for example,

Now the latest meme that captured Marvel fans trolled Steve and Tony facing off each other. But both of them are collaged with Lisa’s legs for a good laugh.

Captain Lisa vs. Iron Lisa

A snap from the famous fight scene between Rogers and Stark in Civil War
A snap from the famous fight scene between Rogers and Stark in Civil War

The Twitter account @MightyMonita tweeted this meme on April 29 and immediately received many likes and comments from Marvel fans. Also, the user captioned it with a question that asked if anybody remembers the sassy fight scene between Captain America and Iron Man. One reply to this meme perfectly described it. Here’s that reply to the meme,

Downey and Chris

Robert Downey Jr kisses Chris Evans in a public event
Robert Downey Jr kisses Chris Evans in a public event

This Cap Vs Stark  meme made us remember the feuds and chemistry between the iron and the shield. In Robert Downey Jr.’s previous interview, Downey quoted about the importance of Chris Evans to the MCU projects. He also stated Chris as a critical leg in the creative relay race in the history of cinema.”I’ve been in hundreds of scenes with this guy,” he added. “Nobody laughs more than him. Sometimes he makes me self-conscious, like, ‘Should I be more fun?’ There’s a little bit of, like, just trying to shake out the anxiety. And I’ve also seen him, over the last 10 years, go from being someone who had laughably real social anxiety to someone who has grown more and more comfortable in their own skin.”

Here’s the meme tweeted about Cap and Stark,


Sources:, Twitter

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