With the much-awaited reveal of all the films that are going to be a part of Phase 4 of the MCU, it is safe to say that Marvel is going to go a long way in the next two years. The studio has had an outstanding run with the release of over 20 movies till date, each of which is associated with a single universe. How is this going to change in the upcoming phases?


The idea of Multiverse

The idea of Multiverse
Doctor Strange 2 will begin filming in 2019.

Throughout the films we have seen so far, the term ‘multiverse’ has bounced around several numbers of times. While Mysterio’s character in the latest Spiderman: Far From Home did hover around the idea of a multiverse, it was not the only subject that the film focused on. Till date, all the villains presented by the MCU have been worldly beings. This very fact is what is going to change in the upcoming Phase 4. 


The Doctor Strange sequel

The Doctor Strange sequel
Doctor Strange 2 will be more about the multiverse.

As the title itself suggests, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is going to break out an all-new setting for the audience to enjoy. For the first time in the history of MCU, the film will revolve around the idea of the multiverse, thus making it one of the most important movies ever made by the studio. 

This is not where the story ends. Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige along with director Scott Derrickson revealed that Doctor Strange 2 is going to be the first “scary” movie made by the MCU. It is rumoured to involve all kinds of crazy dimensions and villains far from what we expect. 

The audience always enjoys something new, and a movie involving a ‘multiverse of madness’ could be just what they are looking for. With the release of such a movie, the MCU is likely to potentially grow tenfold. Not that it needs to; being the producer of the highest-grossing films of all time.

Sources: comicbook, theindependent  

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