Marvel Studios’ Marvel Cinematic Universe is the only universe which has been able to successfully expand their universe for more than a decade and that too with more than 20 movies. Accomplishing this feat is nothing sort of astounding, especially when one considers how intricate the universe is. All of this culminated with Avengers: Endgame which was a monumental feat in itself. Just how much of a mammoth task was it? A deleted scene tells us so.

Creating Avengers: Endgame was A Monumental Task

Endgame and Infinity War were monumental tasks to accomplish. Pic courtesy:
Endgame and Infinity War were monumental tasks to accomplish. Pic courtesy:


Avengers: Endgame is already Disney’s golden egg and the House of Mouse is hoping that the movie will bring in some of those golden Academy statues. But to even have such lofty aspirations, one needs to make sure that their movie is perfect in some ways. It’s a difficult task to accomplish in singular movies so it is impossible to imagine how the Russos kept track of the moving pieces of the MCU beginning from the first Iron Man movie. The duo had a lot of ground to cover to ensure that Endgame hit all of the right emotional and narrative beats. To show just how the process was, a deleted scene has been circulating online. Check out the video here.

Deleted Scene Shows The Making Of Endgame In A Whole New Light

The final scene of Endgame had a lot of variations. Pic courtesy:
The final scene of Endgame had a lot of variations. Pic courtesy:

To see this deleted scene, just head over to Disney Plus and put on Avengers: Endgame. This scene is certainly different from the version which was theatrically released. The first job you have when you open the video is to ignore how ridiculous it looks to see the Avengers engaging in their climactic fight without finished CGI. But once you get over that, you will notice that there are a lot of amazing character interactions there.

It’s truly interesting to see all the many variations of this scene and just how different it was from the final product. There were more which remained just concept arts. For example, there was Nebula wielding the Infinity Gauntlet, the “I am Iron Man” line and more.

Check out this alternate final scene from Avengers: Endgame which didn’t make it into the movie:

(Source: and

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