‘Endgame’ Was Teased By Rober Downey Jr. Before ‘Age Of Ultron’
Well before Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange revealed to Tony Stark (Robert Downery Jr.) that they were "in the endgame now," Stark said something similar in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Indeed, Downey first referenced the now-infamous word in a press junket before the debut of Age of Ultron. Before '@Avengers 2' release, "Endgame" was still in everyone's consciousness. It's a term used by @RobertDowneyJr to express that Ultron would be the key to give the #Avengers a chance to live normal lives. Is the teams' purpose in defeating Thanos the same key? #AvengersEndgame pic.twitter.com/340SoQtwJU— Vahn (@ImAFilmEditor) January 4, 2019 In an
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