Leave it to Andrew Tate to embarrass himself out of nowhere. The man has already previously been banned from almost every social media platform for his heavily misogynistic and problematic comments. But it looks like the lesson hasn’t been learned still. The ‘Masculine Frame’ propagator takes special pride in his material possessions and that is something he often uses to lord over his supremacy but his hubris recently came biting him back in the arse. And he tried to take over a girl almost half his age and got a (metaphorical) kick in the b*lls. It was none other than Greta Thunberg who left the so-called Top-G speechless with her unbelievable wit.

Andrew Tate’s attempt to humiliate Greta Thunberg backfires bigtime

Greta Thunberg humiliates Andrew Tate on Twitter
A duel we did not see coming

Andrew Tate somehow managed to get a 5-year ban on his Twitter account lifted by Elon Musk in late November. But he might just be ruing that day now. Recently, out of nowhere, the 36-year-old posted a tweet addressing 19-year-old climate activist, Greta Thunberg.

In the tweet, Tate greeted the Swedish activist and then went on to tell her how many cars he owned – 33 in total. And then he shared the details of the emissions of his Bugatti and two Ferraris, adding that this is just the start. And then he asked for her email address so that he might share further details of his automobile collection.

Andrew Tate gets roasted by Greta Thunberg for boasting his car collection on Twitter
All this money and he couldn’t save his pride

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Thunberg, however, had little interest in Tate’s bragging and gave him a fitting response that is probably going to haunt him for a long time to come.

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Greta Thunberg showed Andrew Tate the mirror, quite literally

Greta Thunberg roasts Andrew Tate
The smirk of a savage

Greta Thunberg decided to give the former kickboxer an intellectual uppercut when she “politely” replied to the uncalled-for Twitter inventory of his cars. She tweeted in response to Tate,

“Yes, please do enlighten me. email me at smalld*ckenergy@getalife.com.”

It would indeed be an understatement to suggest that this reply rendered the former global pariah speechless.

Tate is known for speaking out of turn and unnecessarily dragging celebrity names through the mud to remain relevant himself. This time, he thought he was being sleek by showing off his terrible disregard for the planet’s climate but in return, he was literally shown a mirror, and that too by someone so young. He could reportedly only muster up a wimpy “how dare you” as a response to Thunberg.

Twitter was clearly none the worse for Tate’s absence but his return has now surely elicited quite a lot of laughs all around, as Thunberg’s savage reply has already made Tate the b*tt of innumerable jokes.

Also Read: World’s Richest Man Elon Musk Ignores Andrew Tate’s Opinion, Unblocks Journalists on Twitter After Fan Backlash

Source: Twitter

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