• Colby Curtin, a 10-year-old bravely battling cancer, wished to see 'Up.'
  • Pixar fulfilled her wish with a private screening at home.
  • Her story reminds us of the power of kindness and dreams.

There’s a heartwarming story about a 10-year-old girl named Colby Curtin who was diagnosed with vascular cancer. Before she passed away, her one wish was granted in a truly magical way by Pixar Animation Studios — bringing her joy and comfort in her last days.

Pixar (Wikimedia Commons/Pete Docter)
Pixar (Image by Pete Docter, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

This shows the importance of making wishes come true, how movies can make a big difference and the courageous spirit of a young girl whose love for animation shined brightly even while she was ill.

Cancer-Battling Girl’s Wish to Watch Up

A still from Up
A still from Up (Credits: Walt Disney Pictures)

Colby’s battle with cancer was incredibly brave. She was diagnosed with vascular cancer in 2005, however, she kept her spirit high. In April 2009, trailers for Pixar’s upcoming film Up captivated her imagination.

The whimsical tale of an elderly widower, Carl Fredricksen, who uses balloons to lift his house and fly to South America really touched Colby. “I’m ready (to die), but I’m going to wait for the movie. I have to see that movie. It is so cool,” she said (as what her mother and family friend Carole Lynch told CBS).

As Colby’s health got worse, it became less likely that she’d be able to go to the movies. Her mother asked a hospice company to bring a wheelchair so her daughter could go to the movie theater. When the delivery of a wheelchair didn’t work out, it left the family very upset. Not giving up, their friend Terrell Orum decided to get in touch with Pixar and Disney to help make Colby’s movie dream come true.

Pixar’s Heartwarming Gesture for Colby

A still from Up (Credits: Walt Disney Pictures)
A still from Up (Credits: Walt Disney Pictures)

Pixar acted quickly and warmly. The next day, a studio employee came to Colby’s home with a special DVD of Up for a private screening. This wasn’t just a movie, it was a treasure trove of joy for her.

The Pixar worker also brought stuffed animals that looked like the movie’s characters and other keepsakes. Although Colby’s illness made it hard for her to see the movie fully, her mom lovingly explained each scene.

When her mother asked if she enjoyed it, Colby nodded in response. A small nod from her showed just how powerful storytelling can be, even beyond physical limits. The Pixar employee, visibly moved by the experience, left with tear-filled eyes.

Colby passed away that night, with her family by her side. Though her time here was too short, the memory of her joyful spirit and strong hope lives on. Her story is a reminder to value every moment, to stand up for what’s important, and to never forget how a small act of kindness can make a big difference.

Watch Up on Disney+!

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