Everything Added in Spider-Man; Far From Home Extended Cut
The breathtaking period has finally come to an end. The extended cut of Spider-Man: Far From Home is finally released with a combination of a
The breathtaking period has finally come to an end. The extended cut of Spider-Man: Far From Home is finally released with a combination of a number of editions. It was first launched in the very first week of July but the second solo Movie: Spider-Man for releasing out under the partnership between Sony and Marvel Studios
Following its coming out in theatres, Spider-Man: Far From Home fitted in the boots as the highest-earning film to mega-hit for Sony. This film was directed by The John Watts receiving insane and incoherent reviews from critics and fans alike. But the result from that made it incredibly positive as the movie got the tag of Sony’s highest-grossing film of all-time. Despite earning over $1 billion, Sony declared that this movie would be re-released domestically with an addition of four extra minutes. Sony did that to push Spider-Man: Far From Home to across the $400 million marks domestically. But now the question is: Why the extra four minutes were added?
Marvel’s New Re-Releases Were Not For the Fans

From many indecisions, it was come to know that Peter’s to-do list sequence was brought back to that four new minutes of that extra footage in the extended cut of Spider-Man: Far From Home. That sequence is created with five short scenes which begin with Peter telling Ned Leeds (Jacob Batalon) that how he planned for the night before starting the trip. Laying out his shopping list, picking up at the last minute, fighting for the final time before going from there; he planned accordingly.
Opinions and news from many sites

Forbeslink describes about the mega-hit of the film which was re-released and the reason behind it.
Also we have seen the reviews from Film School Reject , it covered up the issues observed as a fan. A fan has his own opinion always, as every human has a different mind to think and judge.
You can watch the movie trailer now if you missed it somehow, Watch The Trailer Now!
Source: Screenrant.com, Marvel Cinematic Universe