Fight Club Director David Fincher Blasts $1 Billion Joaquin Phoenix Movie For Insulting the “Mentally Ill”
Fight Club director David Fincher has always had a way with words. A sharp mind and tongue that are unraveling society and fueling his drive for his craft. And he never refrains from speaking his mind. First to give criticism where it’s due. The Mank director has criticized the 2019 mass hysteria that was The Joker. He pointed out how insensitive it was of makers to not only glamorize but in a way, mock mental illness. He slammed the life out of the major Hollywood studios for their take on the infamous DC Comics character.
David Fincher Condemns Hollywood’s Derivative Tendencies

David Fincher heartily opposes the current tendency of Hollywood to derive a new plot altogether from better pre-existing ones. It can be said that such an action is manipulative toward the integrity of the project. Sadly, this is exactly what was done in Joker 2019. The script strayed a little too far to retain the essence of the comics. This resulted in polarizing views but the movie blew off the box office charts. Fincher didn’t hold back on any kind of criticism.
“Nobody would have thought they had a shot at a giant hit with Joker had The Dark Knight not been as massive as it was,” Fincher said. “I don’t think anyone would have looked at that material and thought, ‘Yeah, let’s take Travis Bickle and Rupert Pupkin and conflate them, then trap him in a betrayal of the mentally ill, and trot it out for a billion dollars.'”

The phrase: ‘betrayal of the mentally ill’ soon made headlines.
David Ficher Comparing Joker with Fight Club

While making his comment, Ficher compared making movies like Fight Club in 1999 to the 2019 release of Joker as they were similar in their themes. He slammed Warner Bros. for their ways:
“I’m sure that Warner Bros thought at a certain price, and with the right cast, and with De Niro coming along for the ride, it would be a possible double or triple,” Fincher added in the Telegraph interview. “But I cannot imagine that movie would have been released had it been 1999.”
He recounted, reflecting about getting to release a movie like Fight Club, in the late nineties. He said he is grateful that could read the movie. At the same time, the concern was raised by him, in a strong sentiment.
However, Joker 2 coming to cinemas, which will clarify if the writer’s integrity is jeopardized again or not.
Source: Entertainment Weekly