Evil Superman? While the comics have plenty of versions where Kal-el opts for the way of darkness, the most notable ones being in Injustice and in Crime Syndicate, the ideas have never been done onscreen. While one could argue that Zack Snyder’s plans did involve a form of adaptation of the Injustice comics, but that ultimately didn’t come to pass. So James Gunn has taken up the mantle of fulfilling that task with his movie Brightburn.

There are just a couple of days left till the James Gunn produced superhero-horror movie Brightburn hits theatres and the duo of Screen Gems and Sony are treating everyone to a final insane Brightburn trailer. This last teaser, which you can watch above was exclusively released by Bloody-Disgusting on Monday morning and it is one of the things which you won’t be forgetting soon.

What Is Brightburn About?

It has been abundantly clear that Brightburn is a movie which is aiming to completely terrify the audiences and looking at all these trailers, it does seem like it is going to succeed.

Brightburn tells the story of a young boy who came from another planet, was taken in and raised by a married couple when they discovered him as a baby. They raised him as their own, doing everything they could to give him a good and ‘normal’ life, but things changed as he got older. He discovered he had powers like no one else on his adoptive planet. Simultaneously, everyone else around him also struggled to understand who he was. This led to some big changes and a terrifying turn for the kid, who becomes a devastating force that can’t be contained.

We must admit that the synopsis and the trailer both sound intriguing. Now it’s all about seeing how well the movie delivers.

Brightburn arrives in theatres on May 24th.

(Source: comicbook.com and forbes.com)

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