The Tokyo Ghoul manga and anime both may have gotten over, but the series will going ahead in an all new way. After getting a successful live action effort, the series will be soon coming with its live action sequel featuring a fan favourite character: Shu Tsyukiyqma. Tsukiyama’s appearance is a huge deal and in fact, the entire first teaser trailer is all about him.

‘Tokyo Ghoul’ Live-Action Sequel Known As Tokyo Ghoul S

Tokyo Ghoul S
Tokyo Ghoul S

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Tokyo Ghoul S officially came out with a new trailer for the film that features newcomer Shu Tsukiyama, player by Shota Matsuda. The character is seen in his slightly perverted and creepy glory.

Tokyo Ghoul 2 is coming this year
Tokyo Ghoul 2 is coming this year

Scheduled for a July 19 release, Tokyo Ghoul S hasn’t let out much about its plot but it has confirmed many cast members who will reportedly return from the first film. These include Masatak Kubota

Alongside Matauda’s Tsukiyama, the film will also bring in new members like Maika Yamamoto, who plays Touka Kirishama. She will replace Fumika Shimuzu from the first film as Shimizu has taken a retirement from acting after the first film’s release. Another addition coming in will be Jiyoung who will join as Itori, player by Helter’s Itori.

What is Tokyo Ghoul?

Tokyo Ghoul manga
Tokyo Ghoul manga

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It was originally developed by Shui Ishada for the Weekly Young Jump in 2011. The series is set in world full of Ghouls, beings who gobble humans and have been living among humans. A student named Ken Kaneki has an encounter with one of the ghouls and an accident finds him impanted with organs of the same ghoul who attacked him. So to live a normal human life, he needs to eat human flesh in order to survive. Thereby, he comes into then underground world of ghouls, that’s full of action as the whole series ponders over who the actual monster is.

Source: Comicbook, YouTube

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