Fortnite’s Trello has come forward with some latest updates. It says that Epic Games is getting ready to usher grenades back to the free-to-play PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, as well as mobile battle royale game through its fourth update.

As of now, it’s uncertain when the game’s next update will go live, but it will probably happen at the earliest.

Fortnite updates

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Fornite has got updates that left fans a bit troubled

As one may have noticed, Grenades were eliminated from Fortnite on March 31 due to players exploiting the weapon.

The use of the weapon was utterly destroying meta. For now, it needs to be confirmed if Epic Games is simply going to treat the exploit, which allowed players to hurl multiple grenades at once or if it’s also going to cripple the weapon as well.

Grenade updates

As the weapon eliminates, Epic Games hasn’t given any update on Grenades. Zero updates on the grenade have led multiple players to ponder that the weapon had been permanently humped.

But this isn’t the case. As you would expect, Fortnite fans aren’t thrilled to see that Grenades may be coming back to the game soon:

Battle royal game

Fortnite is present for PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, as well as mobile devices. For more updates, media, rumors, and leaks on the popular battle royale game.

Make sure to take time and peruse all of our past and recent articles of the title by clicking right here. In the most current and related update, Epic Games delayed the upcoming new season of the game, which also dismayed fans quite a bit.

Fortnite: The Guided Missile IS BACK!

Sources: Its’ covered from,



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