Ivan Reitman should be called back already, as there may be a new film for him to helm! Fans of 1984’s Ghostbusters and its 1989 follow-up, Ghostbuster II have been waiting for a third instalment since nearly 30 years.

The main cast featured Bill Murray, Sigourney Weaver, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Rick Moranis and later Harold Ramis. Finally, Dan Aykroyd has given fans the answer they had been looking for.

In a recent episode of the Big interview with Dan Rather, Aykroid teased fans with the news of a new “Ghostbusters” being written.

He mentioned the possibility of a “reunion with the other three Ghostbusters”, which includes Murray, Hudson and himself. When asked about Bill Murray, he said, “I think Billy will come. The story’s so good. Even if he plays a ghost.”

While there’s no guarantee that this film will ever come to life, but fans are already gasping at any ray of hope Aykroyd is willing to share.

The actor didn’t mention any details but it’s safe to assume that it’ll not be connected to Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters (2016). The third Ghostbuster film almost happened several years ago but was halted due to writer Harold Ramis’ sickness.

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