Director James Cameron is coming back with the sequel to the highest-grossing movie of all time, 2009’s Avatar which will have a longer runtime than the usual films. Now, the movie’s runtime is getting as long as it’s budget, and Avatar: The Way of Water is no exception! This sequel will broaden the horizon of the fictional alien world of Pandora with three other sequels lined up after that.

James Cameron directed Avatar: The Way of Water
James Cameron directed Avatar: The Way of Water

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Though there is not much information released about The Way of Water which is due this December, an initial trailer has already been released for the audience to get a glimpse of what the movie is all about especially about its environment which is majorly based on water with some outstanding new CGI technology. However, critics have started criticizing the movie based on its runtime, but what is the director’s take on this?

James Cameron Defending Avatar: The Way of Water Runtime

James Cameron and Avatar: The Way of Water
James Cameron’s Thoughts on Avatar: The Way of Water Runtime 

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In an interview with Empire Magazine, James Cameron shared how the direct sequel to 2009’s Avatar is being criticized for its runtime which hasn’t been officially released though it’s expected to come around three hours while the original film was two hours and forty minutes long. He though pointed out that criticizing a film based on its runtime would be unfair and shared that people stream 10-hour-long seasons of TV series that drop at once while many have no issues watching them in one sitting though complaining about a movie that would not take 10 hours would not be justified.

“I don’t want anybody whining about length when they sit and binge-watch [television] for eight hours … I can almost write this part of the review. ‘The agonizingly long three-hour movie…’ It’s like, give me a f—ing break. I’ve watched my kids sit and do five one-hour episodes in a row.”

Fans Trolling James Cameron’s Avatar: The Way of Water Runtime

Avatar 2
Fans Trolling Avatar 2 for its runtime

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James Cameron though hasn’t given any concrete solution, he did encourage the audience to answer nature’s call even if one had to miss out on a few minutes of the blue native inhabitants, the Na’vi.

“Here’s the big social paradigm shift that has to happen: it’s okay to get up and go pee.”

Though, fans seemed to have different views on this. Check out the tweets below.

Avatar: The Way of Water is scheduled to finally hit theaters on December 16, 2022.

Source: Empire

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