Hayao Miyazaki is one of the best storytellers of our time, with his popularity and accomplishment transcending the world of animated films.

Hayao Miyazaki at the Oscars.
Hayao Miyazaki at the Oscars.

For his unique characters and compelling plots, the Japanese genius has been honored with Academy Awards nominations three times. He took the Oscars home for Best Animated Feature in 2003 with Spirited Away which follows the story of Chihiro whose parents are turned into giant pigs due to their gluttony. To transform them back to normal, Chihiro is asked to work in an amusement park turned resort for supernatural beings.

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The founder of Studio Ghibli has not only attracted the plaudits of critics but has also made big bucks through his numerous animated masterpieces.

How Much Has Hayao Miyazaki Earned So Far?

The Godfather of Anime, Hayao Miyazaki, has directed huge hits like Spirited Away (2001), Princess Mononoke (1997) and Howl’s Moving Castle (2004). But apart from directing 11 movies in total, Miyazaki has also led his Studio Ghibli which has produced 22 animated films so far.

Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away.
Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away.

Accordingly, Miyazaki has amassed wealth through not only his own art but through his business acumen which saw him partner with fellow director Isao Takahata and producer Toshio Suzuki to start Studio Ghibli in 1985.

Further, the studio has also joined hands with several game developers to bring Miyazaki’s story-telling into the world of video games. Their best and most beneficial collaboration so far has been their link-up with Japanese developer Level 5, who released Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch game on PlayStation 3 in 2011.

Interestingly, Miyazaki has confessed he’s not the biggest fan of playing video games. Nevertheless, he didn’t let his own biases impact his business. That explains why the Walt Disney of the animation industry has a net worth of over $50 million.

If you think the 82-year-old is going to stop at that figure, just spare us a few seconds!

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Hayao Miyazaki’s Studio Agrees Deal With U.S.-Based Distributor

Miyazaki, who kick-started his directorial journey in 1979 with The Castle of Cagliostro, is still going strong and has returned from his retirement to give the animation world another gift to talk about for years to come.

The Godfather of Anime, Hayao Miyazaki.
The Godfather of Anime, Hayao Miyazaki.

His final film – assuming he isn’t hiding another comeback up his sleeves – Kimitachi wa Dou Ikiru Ka (How Do You Live), which was released in Japan on the 14th day of this month, follows the psychological growth of a teenage boy.

But in real life, the movie is now going to contribute to the financial growth of Miyazaki, as according to Variety, US-based distributor Gkids has acquired North American rights to his final masterclass. However, they released it with a new name: The Boy and the Heron. Gkids and Miyazaki’s collaboration isn’t new, as they’ve been organizing the annual Studio Ghibli Fest stateside since 2017.

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Source: Variety

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